Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Went back to school for Year3 FYP's Presentation.
Although it has nothing to do with us now, but we will be the one presenting in 365 more days.
Anyway, we are awarded with 1 DA points for attending this presentation :)
SOMEONE bought us donuts,
& Im not allowed to tell you who is the SOMEONE,
because SOMEONE's girlfriend will scold SOMEONE if SOMEONE 's girlfriend saw this post.
haha, lame right?
SOMEONE is very smart, cause he bought all Oreos, so we wunt be fighting over the flavours of the donuts.
So smart hor, you know how to handle the bastard queens liao. haha
Boy came and fetch me from school and decided to bring me to;
Somewhere special & Somewhere I havent been to before :)
Its the Kranji Countryside.
A place I definitely wont go in, without driving because its too ulu.
Its so ulu till we lost our way 3 times.
eh, is him, not me. haha
So, we drove into a fish farm to seek for assistance.
He is busy asking for directions, while im busy looking and admiring the fishes
And also busy taking pictures of the fishes.

My daddy loves fishes and he said that admiring the fishes can help him to destress himself
They glow in the dark.
Gold colour is elegant.
The staff at the fish-farm gave us a map and expect us to follow the route.
And we managed to find the place that we are looking for;
They serve healthy food and drinks.
The aloe vera and 'kueh' there is super nice lah.
I will surely go back there again :)

Next destination;
Some romantic place for us to catch prawns.
We can sit on the rocking chair and catch the prawns.

Lastly, a garden?
Anyway, i find this 2 characters damn cute.
They sells plenty of flowers.
I dont really love flowers because i find that spending money on flowers is a waste.
Super cute.
I find this damn pretty lah, im really tempted to buy this back home.
But too bad, they do not accept NETS and we dont have enough cash :(
Its Mr. & Mrs. Rat
Im super happy today.
I feel that this places are much better than Ochard/ Bugis, where it is always crowded with people.
Superwoman loves peace :)