Thursday, January 31, 2008

My sister stepped on the dog's poo this early morning.
Im not going to show u how disgusting it is, but I can tell you that its fucking smelly.
And she didnt even realize anything lah.

Mun: (when i just got into the car) why is it so smelly ar? did anyone of u fart?
Ni: Nolah, u fart right?
Mun: No, definitely not me.

After 2 minutes;

Mummy: Did anyone of u you step on the dog's poo?
(everyone starts to check themselves)
Mun: Nope,not me.
Mandy: Also not me.
Ni: Not me, i only have some muds on my shoe.
Mun: Are u bloody sure that its mud? It looks so-not-like-mud to me. It looks more like poo!
Mummy: *pissed*

Its Popiah day;
The ingredients needed to make a delicious Popiah;

The steps to follow;

Spread the sweet sauce onto the popiah skin.

Peanuts on it :)

Vegetables is good for health.

Roll, Roll, Roll....

Went town myself, to have a follow-up on my face. He didnt want to accompany me, so lets be it.

I wunt force someone to do something that they dont like to do.