Friday, February 01, 2008

Last day of school, and yet i skipped it.
Its going to be a fucking busy day for me.
I really want to go to school, but due to some family's problem, i have to accompany my mum to the court :(
Reached at 9am;
Sat inside Hall 26 like a fool, for nearly 2 hours.
We have to come back for hearing at 2pm.

Rushed over to Tiong Bahru;
Mummy had an appointment at 1045m, and shes LATE!
I saw this poster inside the clinic;
Finds it interesting.
Theres actually 6 methods of birth controlling.
Her check-up ended at 12pm sharp, and I have to queue up at UOB for another half an hour.

1230pm, had Sakae Sushi.
Im fucking hungry, so no photos taken.
Left Sakae at around 115pm, made our way down to Chinatown earlier;
To prevent traffic jam.
Reached Hall 4 at 145pm;
Waited for freaking 1&1/2 hour for the judge to arrive, and everything is settled in less than 1/2 hour.
Made Our way home at 415pm.
Reached home at 5pm.
Shower-ed, and took a short nap.
Woke up at 8pm, and started to put on make-up and perm my hair.
Left home at 10pm, with my nice dress and my mum's Bonia bag.

The Dinner and Dance is soooo fun, and we left the country-club at 4am

I will upload the pictures for the D&D soon, once i got it from those tai-tais