Friday, June 20, 2008

But we only have a week break, before UT 3 starts.
Its completely madness, to study till 1am every night, sacrificing my beauty-sleep.

Post-UT Chill.
Went to Farrer Road, for dinner.
We tried Mac's new set meal- KUNGFU PANDA (though we didnt have the time for the movie).

The nuggets are so spicy lah,
and for the onion rings, i prefer it to be sotong instead of onion. :)

After Mac, we walked around to digest before heading for my favorite- DESSERT

Went for high-end groceries shopping.
Tierney's Gourmet

Cute rabbit chocolates.
He wanted to buy this for me, but i dont want.

Super cute packaging for cheese.
Sudden craving for cheese now, holyshit.

Here comes my reward.
Reward for : Being a good-girl for the day, Completed my UT2, Motivation for my UT3.

This is a box of chocolate potato chips.

Super thin can.
The shape and size is just like Pringles, but at a thick-chocolate and crispy nut.

Guess whats this?!
This is a chestnut spread, which means it acts the same function as jam.
All you have to do is to squeeze the cream out from the tube and spread it over your bread :)

A super over-price tpy-house.
With a smart parrot.

Dessert for the day- IceCream :)
The ice-cream here is super popular, always crowded with people.
Its my first time here, and i fall in love with here.

All the ice-cream here are super healthy.
No additional artificial coloring, no eggs are used.
Super healthy and nice :)

Roceto & (i forget the white one).

What is the main attention in this picture?
Not the sexy babe in white, lacy bra.

But my sister's name

After dinner, we drove to Kampong Bahru.
Ordered a jug, and i only had a cup of it.
i dont really like to drink and i still dont think that its nice to drink.
so bitter lah, i rather have my Green tea, even healthier.


Forgot when we took this picture.
But i remembered its the day that me may and shir wore black top and white shorts.
Telepathy. LOL

i need to sleep.
shopping and lunch with mummy tml again :)
good night people.