Saturday, May 17, 2008

Woke up around 12 noon, super tired.
Stayed up with Shir till 3am, to rush for her FYP week 7 report.
Woke up bath & change into dress, to accompany my mother for lunch.

Went to Suntec City.
No western this week, have some Chinese Diam Sum instead.
When it comes to Diam Sum, Crystal Jade would definitely be one of my favourite.

While waiting for the food to arrive;
Feeling super hungry lah, didnt have breakfast!!

KahNi is sick last night, and as usual daddy helps her to do the cupping.
And she skipped her tuition lessons, for the sake of shopping.
When it comes to shopping, she is soo happy.

My special delivery- Xiao Long Bao.
Egg Tart is my all-time love <3>

KahNi is sick, thus she will have something simple ;)

Super Cripsy, dunno whats the name of it lah.

The carrot cake is here is yummy lah.
Made on the spot.

I doubt we are able to finish all these.
Because theres only the 4 of us (2 adults and 2 children)

The roasted duck is nice too, with its sauce.

We managed to finish 90% of the food, because im very hungry. LOL

After lunch, went shopping. didnt manage to get anything but Mandy got 2 tops and bottoms for FOX kids.

i think im going to put on weight soon, too much GOOD FOOD for me.

Im being loved by so many people, and i feel so happy.

Mummy- the best mother in the world ( TO ME LAH). She always brings us to have delicious food, and she is not biased. She treats everyone equally and she dotes on my dear shir too ;)

Daddy- someone who i love next. He always gives us the best he can do for us. Father's day is here soon, and im sure i will bring him to somewhere to enjoy. Money is never a issue when it comes to spending on someone you love.

Ge, Mandy & Ni- People who i spend most of my time with. We'll discuss problems with one another, and they are the ones closest to me, other than mummy and daddy.

"Si-Gui"- Someone who dotes on me alot, and always brings me to high-class resturant for great meals. Through u always buy me expensive present, but i seldom wear them, so please dont buy me necklace anymore! you guide me through my life, and taught me many stuffs. Thanks

6 DAs- Meet up soon leh. You're being missed by Princess Mun lah!

Bastard Gang- Although we get to see each other everyday, but it seems like theres endless topics among us.