Monday, January 17, 2011

5 more days and it marks my first flying month. i love my job as i can meet and work with different passenger/ crew. Feb's roster is good, working for 3/4 month and conversion training for 1/4 month (back to hk with my batch for the boeing training. I miss IND30/10 so much!



Although all of us comes from different background but all of us share the same dream and aim. We share, laugh, study, countdown, drink, party, gossip, jump down e slideraft, etc together. In fact, i was pretty surprised that all of us can mix well together because working in a 95%-woman environment, it is quite different not to get zap or slap.

(preparing for a swim)

Plus its so cold in hk this year!

My darling! i love to hug her!

My ha-ni-ya-say-yo

Roomie lah. I really salute her cause she can tahan my nonsense! haha


Herlene - my korean food buddy!


A xmas present from me to my batchmate :)

Till now, it still excites me whenever im preparing for my flight, minus the ISM breifing meeting. I will look forward to seeing my passengers, meeting to their needs and i want them to leave the aircraft with a smile on their face. I dont need them to remember my name, i just want them to spread the words that Cathay is a premium airline and it lives up to its standard.

Flight attendants might potrays a glamorous image to others. I used to envy those flight attendants for their good pay, free tickets, able to see the world and meet with different people. But after being one, i realized that this job is more than just serving cocktails, meals. From training school, i have learnt that service language is very important as we need to be firm in a nice manner. So far, my pax are not tough to handle, maybe a few are alittle more demanding *cross fingers*

Happy munny~

My room;

Training school is just beside;

Airport is just opp;

I love shopping, food and enjoy life only lah!