Friday, October 30, 2009

Went to see a doctor in the morning, and mum brought me out for lunch after that.

It's Ah Ling's 22nd next week!
So its time to shop for present <3

We managed to get her a pair of earrings
it was so chio and its one of the most expensive pair of earring in the store.
present is shared between me mum and brother. i hope you will like it!


For me, i received a bracelet.
I was so expensive that i didnt even want to get it because i promise myself not to spend before my BKK trip.

But my mum has successfully "sai-ko" me by saying that she is willing to pay 1/2 of the bill.
ARGGHH, who can resist such temptation!

The bracelet is such a beauty that i could not stop staring at it!

my mum told me: "a lady should not save on such accessories. it's worth investing. (: "

well, i guess shes right because this sum of money is well-spent
- hello to my #8 of Swarovski items.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It was lunch with parents at Vivo. Treated them to Sushi Tei. Lunch was great with all yummy food and friendly staffs I saw Jamie Yeo in the resturant, she's pretty and slim!


After lunch, it was gocery shopping with mum! bought subway cookies as my high-tea for the day. how to slim down, you tell me!! HAHA.

And mum bought me my fav chocolate teddy biscuit. i brought it back to office and munch it when my mouth is itchy!

Had cheese pringle in car, while my mum is driving me back to office.
its nice! i like the sea weed one too!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Perler Beads!!!
I spent my half of my Saturday doing these with my sisters.


Pumpkin, Halloween is here soon (:




love quality time with family <3
its so fun (: (:

BTW, i have cut my hair again! 2-inches!!!
Will be dying my hair in a month time.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Losing weight is so tough, not only i will have to exercise daily but also have to control what i'm eating. FYI, im not after that pathetic $100 from my mum, but I want to slim down too!! Another 5 more kilograms to my perfect weight!!

Even if I managed to slim down 5kg in 2 months, and my mum reward me with that $100, I will definitely spend it by treating them to a meal, although I’m doing it every month.

Friday, a super late lunch as my friend needs to rush that report before going out for lunch. So we decided to head to Queensway for Mac. Mac’s latest game – Mac Monopoly. My friends are so funny lah, and we are like changing stickers. We won small prizes too (:


Kinderjoy (we love surprises!) ;
Guess what's keeping me busy recently??
I'm busy doing perler beads and its super fun. I have made many keychains, deco and necklace!!
Love it <3>

Monday, October 19, 2009


*will update my blog tml, i promise!! (after my meeting, maybe.) HAHA

Monday, October 19, 2009

Its a long weekend for me!! Although my team is following the AU holiday, my manager FORCED us not to work on today, HAHA.

My weekend is as usual- Family's day. Lunch with parents and sisters @ Vivo.
Initially, my dad wants to bring us to JB on Sunday, but we were afraid of the long Q at Tuas, so we decided to stay home and watch DVDs instead. I remembered i slept from 3pm to 6pm. I'm just so lazy recently and my mum keeps pestering me to get myself a bf! Now, even my colleagues are asking me to get myself a bf! HAHA. I'm still waiting for my Mr.Right to appear. Where Where Where are you?!!??!!

Monday: Town- Bugis- Chinatown.

Super hot weather = no make-up, super thick sun-block, hair all tied-up, cap, tee & shorts.

Huge teddy bear!!

My little nini is cute here.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I have been changing and adding new stuffs into my blog. Youtube and google have become my best friend when it comes to something new.

My mum's friend,who have just returned from Europe, has bought us this chocolate jam. I'm not sure if u are able to buy it in Singapore, but i have never see this here.

It is so yummmmyyy. The chocolate is so nice and it is filled with ceral.


Friday, is a flooding day. Which means we only have to work half-day. Not sure if we will be working on Monday, still pending for manager's sms. I pray hard to receive good news.

Brought my mum out for lunch today. I mean she drove me, and i treated her. HAHA
Sakae Sushi at Tiong Bahru.

My brother gave me this little pink crocs keychain. It's super cute can!!

My little nini, just finished her PSLE, and is preparing for some charity event. She brought home 2 friendly classmates, and started to do some hand-craft arts. Bring a creative person, i joined in!! HAHA

So, i chose my fav shape and color. Then melt it, soak it in cold water, and my art piece is done (:

1. Star

Final product;

2. Heart Shape.
I love this one so much. the centre part is glow-in-the dark!!

will blog about my party with sab, shir and angie.
it was fun and great! but working the next following day is so tiring and my legs ache sooo much!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its butter with Sabby, shirley and angela. <3
With Sabby around, we have the privilege to skip the Q!

So while the rest are Q-ing up to get "stamped", we are enjoying our drinks and little chats at Sab's fav- Starbucks (which i think that its ridiculously over-priced).

Since angela wanted to save electricity and water bills (inside joke), we went in at 1030.
Vodka Lime seems to be the safest drink there.

Clock strikes 1140 and angela wanted to go home!!
How could she left even before shaking her ass at the dance floor!!

Some nice pics taken before angela left;

I love this picture most!!

Songs and dancing were great!! danced all the way till 2am, and i can seriously feel my muscle ache the next day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Life has been so busy. Its working, jogging, giving tuition every day. On the bright side, today is my sister last PSLE paper, which means im free from now onwards. Party on wed with sab, shir and angie. Wohoo!!

Lunch was at Ah Yat, one of our fav place for lunch. Through $150 for a meal is reasonable, but coming her 2-3 times a month is too much. Nevertheless, the food here is much better than Hong Xing.

Let the pictures do the talking. I'm busy looking at the jetstar 1-for-1 deal. I want to go back to HK again!! Gosh, and im looking forward to my BKK's trip. I'm going to save up!!!

But i will be broke on nov cause its my mum dad ahling & sab birthday. Looking forward.

Will blog on the pancakes which i have made on Sat, once i have the pictures.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Its a happy weekend cause my sister's PSLE is ending. My day is so happy that i actually went to clean up my room, wipe the windows, clean the floor.

And i even made pan-cakes. I finally find something which i'm interested in! I want to bake cakes and muffins soon.

Since her exams are over, i will be going ECP to roller blade, have nice lunch with parents, groceries shopping, attend training, and go find a bf. HAHA.

My pan-cakes;



pancake + chocolate = sex.

I cleaned my laptop and desktop with the cyber clean, something my brother bought from the IT fair. The texture is weird.

So all i have to do is to press this against the keyboard, and it will helps to remove all the dirty stuffs struck in middle.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have change my blog's layout, and its so chio now.
This will motivate me to blog more, hopefully! HAHA.

And i have twitter, i know its abit late but its never late to learn.