Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Im so bored at work, just finished company's photoshoot, was totally crap! The sun was so bright and hot, we cant even open our eyes FULLY!

Since im so bored, i shall post some facts about myself;

30 true facts:

1) I have never been into local club before.

2) I have never stayed out later than 1am. My mummy dont allow me to stay overnight outside.

3) I will not bring wallet when im out with my parents. sometimes, i will even throw my phone in my mum's car. So, if i have to stick closely to my mum!

4) Im a super lazy person. i love to sleep and hate to move around.

5) Im a vain pot, and i hate bad hair day!

6) I have never been drunk, or should i say that i have never touch beer before. the most, i will only have wine at my dad's dinner&dance.

7) i dont smoke, and i hate smoker.

8) My first relationship is a failure, or should i chose the wrong partner.

9) Although i spent alot, but the figures in my saving account doesnt seems to decrease, and this is something im proud of, because i can save well!

10) i love chanel products. i love their earrings and bags. mummy said she will be getting the coco bag for me on my 21st!

11) my first full-time job is really a slacking one. i can sit down here for 8 hours, spent 2 hours in the ladies, 1 hour working, and the rest of the time surfing the net/playing games/msn-ing with friends.

12) i only have a few close friends, but they are true quality friends. they're enough.

13) i drink more than 10 cups of water a day, and i need to pee every 30 mins.

14) i have hormones imbalance. my menses can come twice a month/ once in 2 months.

15) i used to have 8 piercing on my ears.

16) i always wanted a tatoo, a small one, but i know that my dad will kill me, and i always wanted to be an air-host, so no tatoo on me!

17) i dyed my hair every 2-3 months because i totally cannot stand the black roots.

18) i dont like to read, reading can makes me sleep.

19) i love to listen to music. Chinese, rnb and techno songs.

20) i love swarovski products more than diamonds. i have 3 swarovski necklace, and 1 pair of swarovski earring.

21) i have no favorite color.

22) i love HK.! i want to go back there again! and i love taipei's wufenpu too.

23) i will watch "Kang Xi Lai Le" every night.

24) i hate to wash my pant/skirt. i will wear them at least 2 times before washing them. i know you will go like "yucks!", but come'on lah, it is so troublesome to wash them okay.

25)Im born in Malaysia, stayed there for 5 years before coming to singapore to study. Im a singaporean since 5 years ago.

26) i lost both my granny and grandfather in year 2008. Till now, my greatest blow is losing my grandfather because we are very close, and he dotes on us alot!

27) I eat alot and i eat fast, very fast.

28) My highest heel is 4.5inch, and i nearly fall down when i first wear it.

29) I used to play netball, but im still fair.

30) I wear a watch jus to match with my clothing. i will not rely on a watch for the time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its Tuesday, and i wanted to shop alone after work.
i msn-ed baby that i will be going down to jurong point/ vivo, and told her not to stalk me!
But But But, i actually bumped into her while shopping at JP.
I caught her with her girl-friend, luckily she is not holding on a guy's friend.
eh, she told me a sercet and asked me not to tell anyone.
-i will not tell anyone, but pls take a look at her attire. LOL-
went shop shop and nothing caught my eyes.
however, a cake shop caught my attention. i saw many people designing on the cake, and the cakes look so yummy.
i cant resist the temptation and ended up buying 3 cakes.
-look at their cute packaging-.

this is going to be my next day's breakfast!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

830am, mummy and brother went out to collect brother's new car.
the color is super chio.
Its Toyota 1.6 Altis.
it jus reach singapore, and my brother's car plate just bid it 2 days ago!
Soong's family, 6 person. 3 person hold car license, and we owns 3 cars!
i want to get my car license too, but im just too lazy! shoot me!
Buy car, free camera.
its the Canon ixus.
yeah, its chio too. will be using it on the 1st May, dad's company 15th anniversary.
they have booked a ballroom at town. *looking forward*

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I was so sick that the doctor gave me a 3-days MC, 20-22th Apr.
But But But, for these 3 days, i was out with my mother. LOL
On my last day of MC, i brought my mother out to have high-tea. Shes a tai-tai, so i must treat her like one! haha
we had 2 pieces of cake and passion fruit tea!
i also bought additional 4 cupcakes for my sisters and brother.

these are the "A-cup", "B-cup" and "C-cup"!
the chocolate one is so yummy!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'M down with high fever - 39.5C
doctor issued me a 3 days MC to rest at home, hurray!
Had high fever and super headache!

jus finished chatting on the phone with angie, with her bf on the background. half an hour phone-talk with them makes my temperature rises. i need more rest!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Its Saturday morning and my mum dragged me out of my warm & comfortable bed. She wanted us to accompany her to the Travel Fair, at Suntec City. So, i took an hour to dress up, with the thinnest make-up, and i have to pack my bag! For people who knows me well, they will know that i dont need to bring wallet when im out with my parents/ weekends.
So, the reason for me to pack my bag on a Saturday is because: IM MEETING ANGELABABY FOR A CONCERT AT NIGHT! <3
Went to Crystal Jade for brunch;
(i love their soup noodles!)


Me and my beloved mummy <3
we both looked alike, right?! (im the younger version of her and shes the older version of me, wahaha!)
Soong's 4 beauties + my daddy's precious gems & diamonds.


My Little Ni-Ni.

My disgusting brother.
i dont understand why he just dont like to take pictures. his gf and sisters just love to cam-whore!
But where is my daddy? He is busy fishing lah, haha!
Went to the travel fair as we intend to have a short family trip in June *looking forward*
After travel fair, mum drove me and ni-ni to City Hall Mrt Station. We trained down to Tampanies, to meet our beloved angelababy.
As usual, we are late. im half an hour late, shes 1 hour late!
Luckily, i have my ni-ni with me, to accompany me to eat and shop!
While waiting for her, we had Long John's cheese fries+chips combo & swensen's ice-cream!
Here she is, finally;

We had a short shopping trip in the new shopping mall-Tampanies 1.
nothing much through, i still love vivo and bugis the best!
Ni-Ni and i managed to grab some freebies, while our angelababy got none because she went to top-up her ez-link card.
- look at her sad face-!
nevermind, although u dont have freebies, but u still have me!

Inside the tampanies mall itself;
Those 'keys' behind those dolls can be twisted and turned!

We had so much fun there, taking pictures, laughing at each other, and daring each other to do some actions!

Yeah, we are going for Joey's concert.
Thanks to angelababy and her bibi.
Looking at the outstandin stage, with great effects!
-although the seats are not great, but the baby and ni-ni makes my hours there a super great one!)
we took off our shoes & sockings and treated as if its our home!
ni-ni was cold, and baby gave her a "Roar" tee.
the lion looks like angela! oopx

Concert is going to start soon!

Her figure is perfect, tall and skinny. 0% body-fat!
Her voice can be sweet and can be HOT!

Its time to go home!
We enjoyed ourselves so much that we scream and danced in the concert hall, lol. ni-ni and i trained home while lucky angela have her bf here to fetch her! poor ni-ni and mun reached home at freaking 1am, arghh!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It has been long since i blog because i was just too lazy to blog! anyway, i took an off-day with my queens to get my graduation certificate. angela took hers first, then followed by shirley. i cant take my certificate because i have an outstanding fee of $0.20, wtf right, must be one of my fyp team member because its the "warehouse safety" book! may tan, charles guo & berlinda tan, you all owe me 5 cents each! LOL
Met my girls at CWP for early breakfast.
i have finally graudated! hmm, my results are not bad too :)
Hurray <3

they gave me the best moments in RP, and there are my best gifts from RP!

we are cam-whoring inside the ladies.
spell F-U-N

i like this picture the best!
both of us look so HOT and pretty!
Graduated and are young working adults.
went to have lunch, and this is highly recommended by tan shirley.

look how happy we are!
we spent the whole day eating eating, shopping, massaging, and eating!
both angela & i have thrown our diet plan aside, because we jus couldnt resist the temptation!

my fav ice-cream!
was both shoulder and foot massage. super shiok after the massage.!
i bought most stuffs for that day!
1 formal top, 1 pair of earring, 2 blink blink hair clips, 1 dress (baby and i bought the same piece, super hot can!)

will be meeting angela for a concert this coming sat, looking forward!
we are so AIYO!
(inside joke) LOL