Monday, March 30, 2009

I know many are complaning abt my lack of updates in my blog. but im really busy with my personal stuffs. my weekdays are work, meetings and trainings. and my weekends are some quality time spent with my love ones.

I promise i will try to upload all my overdue photos in my phone.


theres something i want to blog first! its the Soo Kee Jewellery Diamond Warehouse Sale. the place is abit ulu and hard to located, but i have Yahoo! it before-hand, thus we are able to locate it easily. *wink*

We stayed inside the "tent" for 2 hours, managed to grab a few pieces of jewellery.

will post pictures of the jewellery soon.

"Diamonds are women's best friend"

(i used to doubt this sentence because im not really crazy over diamonds. but after trying the diamond ring and braclet, i finally understand why people are spending a few thousands on a diamond ring because the cutting and design of diamond is superb. my mother wanted to get a 0.2 carats diamond ring for me, because she said that it really looks pretty on me, cause my hand is fair and smooth. but i told her that, i should wait for my future bf to buy diamond ring for me de. lol )


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tml is Friday, -biggest pair of eyes of the week- (inside joke)

tml is "engage @ Tyco" = can slack! LOL


free dinner & can even claim the OT 1 hr! wehee!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i will be blogging on my weekend shopping with "little NiNi" soon. LOL

i was so bored this evening, and i did a "Get to know yourself better" quiz. i find it damn true!

Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean.

*i find this quiz 90% accurate.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I will start blogging about my activities for the past 2 weeks. for those who are concerned, im very good. im enjoying my job to the max, and everyday we will crack jokes and talk craps.we share stories and gossips, just like what i did with my 6Das & Queens.

Met up with queens last week, and i treated them to MOS.

yummy :)

look at their happy faces.

after dinner, we rushed down to do a last min shopping.
managed to grab a pretty dress :)

lastly, a pretty picture of us.
really miss you guys. luckily we still contact through msn and phone almost everyday.

i dont know why, but the photos that i uploaded are all slanted.
nvm, jus have to focus on the chanel bag.

im aiming for that!
mum said she might be getting the small one for me -$3k.

im wearing a mask to work for the past 4 days.
dont ask me why please. there are many different stores spreading in my company!

1)i have a flu
2)i have a serious cough
3)i jus pluck my wisdom tooth
4)i went for plastic surgery

anyway, friday is fruits day!
p/s: i want to play that table soccer!
*i hope that they place a massage chair in the tyco cafe too!

friday is a happy day.!
4 of my managers took leave, and theres only left with 1 manager in the whole operations office. (somehow shes the most happening one!)
we are talking and chatting with her; her pixel, laser, IPL,HK trip!

my dad gave my brother this $500 note!
bias!!! :P
(but i know he loves me too! he gave my brother because my brother has the hobby of collecting old notes)
but its freaking $500 lah.! still bias!

will have a busy weekend. parents and brother will be going back to kl and penang, left ahni and me! i will be going down to AMK on sat, and bugis on sunday.
meeting and training on next week.

25th-mandy birthday
26th-dinner with 6 da
28th- meeting with queens

1st apr- dinner with fyp team (min yen's treat, who dont loves free meal)
8th apr-expensive dinner with queens :)
10th- PH :) WEHEEE!!
16th- a girls outing, looking forward *wink*

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

*this post can be ignored. i just want to complain alittle in this post!*

Some people just dont deserve to be loved (im not referring to myself)!

1 heart to many different woman= bastard!!!

history is no longer sweet, it taste disgusting to me now. thinking back of the moments together makes my hair stand, scary.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

alright, i know my blog is lagging for a week, and im jus too lazy to update this blog. but i promise i will blog my outing with queens asap, promise!

i jus received a junk mail from a person, and that guy sent me a link;

if u think that u are a unreasonable & demanding girlfriend, then u definitely got to read this. i read through it, and find that most of the points matched my character, so does that means that i will remain single for the rest of my life?! LOL

i feel that my temper has become much better after my break-up and im enjoying my life right now! i dont need a rich bf to buy me branded stuffs, i dont need a man who will increase my commitments, i dont need a man who made me cried almost twice a week, i dont need a man who quarrel with me almost every meet-up!

currently, my weekdays is working and catching up with queens/6da/friends/classmates. my weekends are quality time with family and sisters.

but still....
im still hunting for my Mr.Right :)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Gosh, its monday again, the slowest day in the week. my whole day is about meetings. i really dont understand why they want to ask me to join in the meeting, when its totally not related to me.
i was in the meeting room, half shut-off. i was playing with pen, drawing and day-dreaming.!
The worst thing is, its raining heavily outside! the weather, the air-con and the way my manager gave the speech, can easily makes me fall asleep.!

went for spa and facial after work, and my face is swollen like a fat pig! and the worst thing is that i cant put on thick foundation make-up for the next few days! argh!! can only use the loose powder to cover the redness on my face!!

reach home around 10pm, and the feeling of having hot potatoes on such a cold night is great! the moment i lied on my bed, i fall asleep immediately.

the next morning, i supposed to wake up at 6am, but i overslept! my alarm rang at 6am, and i was just too lazy to get out of my bed. i was thinking whether to get a MC today to rest at home! and while thinking of what reason to give to my manager, i fall asleep again!argghh, shoot me!

-anyway, this is will a lonnggg week for me.-

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Weekends are just so short.
-i miss disturbing my sisters (because i dont play with them on weekdays, too tired from work)

-i miss sleeping till afternoon (i have to wake up 6am on weekdays)

-i miss seeing my mother for the whole day! (sometimes, i dont even get to see my mummy if i reach home late!)

-i miss playing xbox like no one's business (if i dont even switch on my laptop on weekdays, do u think i have the time to play xbox)

-i miss shopping with mummy!

-i miss lunch-ing with mummy and sisters!

-i miss lying on my massage chair and watching tv!

i miss i miss i miss WEEKENDS!
But i also enjoys the moment when the pay is transferred to my bank account!argh!!

Mummy went market in the morning, and came home with yummy pastries.!

they're the new sex and im addicted to it! 100% hand-made nonya-kuets. but they're slightly alittle more expensive the normal kuets. my mummy spent $20 buying kuets.


Im not going to be selfish, i'll share this shop with you!

its located near tiong bahru blk 55, and its a 5 min walking distance from the mrt station.


lunch was at sushi tei. we had too much till our tummy nearly burst!

i like this colorful plate of sushi, but too bad, i dont take raw salmon.

The mango roll is a "die die must-order" !



Soong's princesses~~

the whole meal costs $150, and mum's treat because she just received her bank interest!

yeah :)

after lunch, its gocery shopping. (this is going to last us for one whole week!)

Dinner was at geylang de G7.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Adeline Ye!

still owe you a present, yah! hope to meet up soon


Friday, March 06, 2009

Its Friday again! This week passes super fast, and is one of my happiest week. so much laughters and gossips during our lunch-break. And my pay is here, wohoo! im a small-rich girl! (but i will be giving $200 to my dad and $400 to my mum)

i have come out with my next 3 years plan! my mum says she will support my plan, and sponsor me with what i need! yeah! jus hope that everything will goes smoothly :)

next week will be a super busy week for me. meetings and trainings are all on the way. my managers wanted to train me to handle the whole supply chain, can be consider as promotion too! there will be pay adjustment too, if i take up this offer.

im willing to learn, willing to pick up new job scope, and willing to get a higher pay, BUT, i wonder if i can handle the stress as a CSR. as a CSR, i have to communicate with the suppliers, customers and salesman, from different countries. Then have to arrange for transportation for the goods to other country! i really wonder if i can cope with it! I will be going for a one-month training to understand the procedures, and many other shits! from the meetings request sent, i can sense the complexity of this poisition, and i really hate every monday's meeting (i pray my manager dont get to read this!)

anyway, my company has started this Fruits-Day. which means, they will provides us with fruits on every friday, starting from today. we had grapes, pears, apples and banana. i wonder what we will be having next week. hmmm :)

i think that this fruits-day is rather cool, because not every company have this. i rem during our poly days, we had this fruits-day too! i rem having banana.


will be having busy weekend! will be cleaning up my room, giving tuition to my sisters because their exam is here.

mummy said she will be treating us out for dinner on sunday because she just received a lump sum of bank interest. yeah!

and i forgot to update that i treated my soong's family to anson, cause i got my first pay! we brought our own red wine there and the whole meal costs me $100!

will be meeting my queens soon, and i will be organizing the next trip and giving them a treat!! movies and dinner, plus a little gossips and updates. haha.