Thursday, July 31, 2008

My SHISEIDO nose mask is here!

look at all my white and black heads.

will be watching "The Mummy" soon.
prob with su and gang.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

i want a honey boyfriend.
and i find that this guy is super cute lah.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Having lunch at TRCC seems like a MUST on every Wednesday's lunch.
the place where we can enjoy and chat about FYP and personal stuffs, not forgetting the nice food they served.
its definitely worth the price and the distance walking there.

Had mock presentation today, in front of sup and co-sup, and other students.
the feedbacks are well-done.
so i think we dont have to stress about the poster anymore.
now, all we have to do is to think of what to wear on that day and how to present our poster.
but i think that our team is zai enough to handle all those questions.

Assessors are out!
unlucky enough, we kana the 4 KINGS.

Edwin- shooting king.
Edmund- stress-you-to-death king.
Wang Jian Gou- the king of SEG. he can kill even without opening his mouth.
Seow Aik Hoe- haha, totally speechless. the super-chiong king.

i told my other team members: "if we cant answer the questions they shoot, PRETEND TO FAINT!"

after fyp meeting, went gaigai with ber and may.
to hunt for their formal wear.

went orchard, as we predict that it will be less crowded on a wednesday evening.
Far east.
boring as usual.

Ber, dont be upset over such matter.
always look at the bright side.
outing on next wed?
take care, and rest well.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It seems like thats a trend to buy me snickers.
i think this is the 3rd bar of snickers i received in this month.

although im on diet, but i still had them.

Rushed off from school, to meet my dear friend.
and she made me waited for her for 30 mins.

OMG, why do i have such a not-punctual friend like her?

Headed down to Bugis, cause she wants to get her fake eyelashes.
went gaigai alittle, didnt manage to get anything.
brought her to the place where i bought my straw bag, and she managed to get one she likes.

what is the solution for hot weather?

Having a good friend like her, to listen and gives good advice, is the best thing i can ask for.

friends for 1288349237249374723923 years, can??
and not forgetting my other 5 das.

My super belated birthday present from her.

no doubt, this is super nice.
i think its better than my current perfume- Gucci Envy me.

Something i have to show. and this is from one of my faccy
super disgusting.
saw him on the train this morning and i received this email from him.
omg, can he be alittle more nauseating?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thanks shirley for brightening my day up with this :)

Thanks sabby to be there to listen to my sorrows.
thanks adeline for supporting me.
thanks may for concerning me.
thanks shir to be there to listen to me.
thanks angela for supporting me behind me back.
thanks su for lending me your shoulder.
thanks classmates to support me and to encourage me to stand up again.

i will. and i need to

Sunday, July 27, 2008

This is going to be a post with less words and many words.
moodless when writing this post.

Its a sunday afternoon and i dragged my mummy out, because i dont want to stay at home.


i want my life as colourful as before.
i will make it happen.

without him, i realize that there are still many people who loves and cares for me.
im still the happy-go-lucky mun.


sometimes, she makes me angry.
but when im at the sad, she will never failed to make me smile.
i wan to smile again :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday is out with mummy at City Hall.
Free drink.

Was wearing the dress that shir gave me as my birthday present.
super pretty :)

Was at Cenosis roadshow.
Mum signed up a spa package for her and me.

Then they helped us to do a free nose mask.

fucking smelly.
whatever lingzhi.

MAC for the day :)

Back to my singlehood.
i really hope that i can get over this matter asap.
i dont want this to haunt me for the rest of my rest.
i want to lead the life like the past.

i love you and hate you at the same time.

Friday, July 25, 2008

boring lesson.
one random picture of the day.

haha, blake is trying to get back his hp from yasmin, by hook or by crook.

After school,went bugis with shir and angela.
bought a vintage bag and a cardigan.
happy :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Dinner is at Coffee Club.

Shell pasta.
total bill: $54

i wan to spree.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday JAZ

Fyp is killing me.
Doing poster from 11am- 5pm.
Total 5 hours, exclude the 1 hr lunch at TRCC.

Report, handed up.
Poster. 75% done


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Faccy for today's lesson is boring to the core.
Outsource 99.9% of the presentation.

Went CWP, to buy cake and presents for jaz and blake.

Blake- Happy Belated Birthday
Jaz- Happy Birthday in Advance.

bought a nice bag for jaz and a necklace for blake.
hope they will like the presents that we chose :)

After school, went DG to shop.
It have been long since i went there and nothing much changes.

look so weird in this picture.

Boy bought me to Tea Cosy for lunch-cum-dinner.
im on diet so i cant eat much too. LOL

Love this seat.
super cool can.

the swing chair costs $2888.
its nice to place one at home, but its kinda bulky.

the internal design of the shop.
its actually inside a antique shop.
and if you walk around the shop, u can even surprise yourself with the vintage stuffs.

through vintage is new black, but its not my cup of tea.

half mine can.

Red wine.

And the name for the red wine is called "FAT BASTARD".

"Hi, can i have a cup of FAT BASTARD?"

His main course;
fattening. :(

simple and delicious.

Duck pasta.
the sauce is like omfg!

they serve their food on cute plates.

Mango with cream.
i only ate the mango not the whipped cream.

Total cost for the meal: $53.
Ambiance: 3/5
Food: 4/5

After all the eating and fooling, we went to Vivo.
Bought Chanel foundation refill.

I think they increase the price liao.
Last time, it used to be $50, of course for the refill only.
but now, its $56.

fyp tml.

watching 命中注定我愛你 Episode 19.

good night