Friday, February 29, 2008

Once every 4 years, and im super happy lah, dont ask me why :)
Cheese Hotdogs for breakfast is sex ;)
I've been craving for yoghurt recently.
Who can be more fortunate than me, because I have so many people who love me :)
Si-gui spent $3 on the parking fee (which is less than 1 hour), to buy tidbits for me :)
Went all the way to The Central, to buy chocolates :)
Super expensive Mochi.
The Strawberry fillings is from Hokkaido.
Chocolate biscuits are love too <3

The Mochi is super Q can.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today's hottest topic online is : Did Dawn Yang undergo plastic surgery?
And the answer is “YES”.
Who is Dawn Yang?
Singapore's famous blogger, FHM model, future MTV VJ.

I posted some of her “before and after” photos,

I feel so silly lah, because I used to admire her sexy body and her ‘angel’ look.
But actually, it all turns out to be FAKE!

I will visit her blog everytime I surf, cause I really admire those pretty and sexy model.
I find them (Dawn and Nirara) HOT then, but not now anymore.
I dont know abt Nirara, but i know Dawn did her eyes, nose, lips and chin before.
Dont believe me? Take a look at these pictures then!

But her tits are real :) i assume

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Godiva, anyone wants?
Great for after-dinner dessert.

Jerry msged me at night;
"Hi all Bastards! Stop being a Bastard this time round, can? Ha…I will be assisting our kuku nong in the outing. So just follow the instructions below, sms me all your free dates now. It can be a long list, I dun care! just type! And CAUTION, pls reply our sms and accommodate as far as you can. thanks you :)”

So I replied;
"Ooo, I’m working on the weekdays and only available on weekend. But not this Sunday and next Saturday, because its 6Das gathering.”

Jerry: “Wau Lau, your free day are also like you… Limited edition.. LOL….”

SHY ;0

Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday is super busy for me, because my parents rushed back to Penang.

And I took a day off :(
And my job is to fetch my sisters to school and tuitions.
Super busy = super tired.

Have to wake up early in the morning and fetch them to school.
No Odyssey, Took Bus.

They seem to be damn excited when it comes to taking public transport, but I still prefer people fetching me :)
Feel so nude without any make-up;
Went to meet Si-gui to catch CJ7.
I know we're abit slow lah, but Mun is too busy working.
He gave me a box Ferrero Rocher.
Xie Xie Ni :)
Have to carry their bags for them somemore.
Poor Mun :(
Have to ask for more allowance, hahahahahahaha

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My parents rushed back to Penang this afternoon, because my grandmother is hospitalized.
And I have to take good care of my 2 younger sisters.

Spaghetti for lunch, mun is the chef.
Its abit watery lah, but still edible
Slacking and rotting at home;
Watched Jay's concert

Went to watch JJ's concert, at night
Pretty leh;
The concert is boring, so we left half-way.
Dinner is at Soup Restaurant;
The 2-person set meal;
The most important item in the restaurant;

For those who miss me, and havent see me for a long time,
Mun is doing well :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Apply for half day leave, to accompany my mummy to Johor.
Settle some problem lah, so ma fan :(

The naughty bitch girl

She is fucking spoilt.

He came back to HK to apologize for all the bad things he had done.
And he admit that all the pictures are real, and taken by him, SO STOP SAYING THOSE PICTURES ARE BEING PHOTOSHOPPED!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So tired after work;
Slept in the train like no one's business.
I know its unglam but mun is really tired lah.
Its not easy to earn money can.

Met Sigui for dinner, at Tiong Bahru.
Saw my darling Shir, at Tiong Bahru Mrt station. And shes with her love one -Roy.
Shir gave me a Hello-Kitty bookmark, which she did it herself;

Dinner is at:I had the Chicken Paperpot :)
Chatted with Sabby over the phone, for an hour.
And its definitely not enough, and therefore, we have a date on the 2nd of March.
To catch movie, buy something and to GOSSIP.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

So disappointed today lah.
Supposed to be going house-visiting with my bastard gang, but got paisei the very last minute.
Super last minute can. I received the SMS at 6am informing me that the gathering is cancel, when we are supposed to meet at 12pm.
Its like, I've been waiting for this gathering for a long time, but in the end, its blown off.
Look, im not blaming anyone here, this is just what I feel and think. I guess no one would like to be paisei the very very last minute.

But nvm, Mun still met up with my dear Shirley in the afternoon.
She came over to my place and we chatted for the whole 4 hours plus, before she went to meet Roy and I had dinner with family and Ahling's family.
I showed Shir all my collection of Edison's sex pictures.
Shir: Its my first time seeing a dick.
Mun. Oo, then you're very lucky, because the first dick you saw is edison's one.

The poor chicken got bully by us!

We love playing with the chicken head, and i think we are crazy. lol

At night, I was super bored.
I started cleaning up my gift cupboard, and i found this small 6Da's bag, at the very underneath of the cupboard.

In the bag, there are neoprints, notes and cards.

Sabby drew this, and from then on, we are known as "6 DA MEI NUIS"

6 Da plus kiki.

The handphone chain that Sabby custommade and gave us.
I still have it with me lah, but its broken liao :(
Adeline and Mun;
Taken when we're sec 4, after prelim.
The Mickey Mouse pen given by Sabby.
Sabby and Mun;
I still remember this neoprint is taken with Ricky(Sabby's ex-bf) money.
haha, we're not money-sucker.

The perfume I love;

The perfume unused;