Thursday, January 31, 2008

My sister stepped on the dog's poo this early morning.
Im not going to show u how disgusting it is, but I can tell you that its fucking smelly.
And she didnt even realize anything lah.

Mun: (when i just got into the car) why is it so smelly ar? did anyone of u fart?
Ni: Nolah, u fart right?
Mun: No, definitely not me.

After 2 minutes;

Mummy: Did anyone of u you step on the dog's poo?
(everyone starts to check themselves)
Mun: Nope,not me.
Mandy: Also not me.
Ni: Not me, i only have some muds on my shoe.
Mun: Are u bloody sure that its mud? It looks so-not-like-mud to me. It looks more like poo!
Mummy: *pissed*

Its Popiah day;
The ingredients needed to make a delicious Popiah;

The steps to follow;

Spread the sweet sauce onto the popiah skin.

Peanuts on it :)

Vegetables is good for health.

Roll, Roll, Roll....

Went town myself, to have a follow-up on my face. He didnt want to accompany me, so lets be it.

I wunt force someone to do something that they dont like to do.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Went back to school for Year3 FYP's Presentation.
Although it has nothing to do with us now, but we will be the one presenting in 365 more days.
Anyway, we are awarded with 1 DA points for attending this presentation :)
SOMEONE bought us donuts,
& Im not allowed to tell you who is the SOMEONE,
because SOMEONE's girlfriend will scold SOMEONE if SOMEONE 's girlfriend saw this post.
haha, lame right?
SOMEONE is very smart, cause he bought all Oreos, so we wunt be fighting over the flavours of the donuts.
So smart hor, you know how to handle the bastard queens liao. haha
Boy came and fetch me from school and decided to bring me to;
Somewhere special & Somewhere I havent been to before :)
Its the Kranji Countryside.
A place I definitely wont go in, without driving because its too ulu.
Its so ulu till we lost our way 3 times.
eh, is him, not me. haha
So, we drove into a fish farm to seek for assistance.
He is busy asking for directions, while im busy looking and admiring the fishes
And also busy taking pictures of the fishes.

My daddy loves fishes and he said that admiring the fishes can help him to destress himself
They glow in the dark.
Gold colour is elegant.
The staff at the fish-farm gave us a map and expect us to follow the route.
And we managed to find the place that we are looking for;
They serve healthy food and drinks.
The aloe vera and 'kueh' there is super nice lah.
I will surely go back there again :)

Next destination;
Some romantic place for us to catch prawns.
We can sit on the rocking chair and catch the prawns.

Lastly, a garden?
Anyway, i find this 2 characters damn cute.
They sells plenty of flowers.
I dont really love flowers because i find that spending money on flowers is a waste.
Super cute.
I find this damn pretty lah, im really tempted to buy this back home.
But too bad, they do not accept NETS and we dont have enough cash :(
Its Mr. & Mrs. Rat
Im super happy today.
I feel that this places are much better than Ochard/ Bugis, where it is always crowded with people.
Superwoman loves peace :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last lesson for Operation Planning;

I still managed to make my way to school, although im really lazy :(

But luckily, I made it to school because free lunch is provided :)
Sakae and KFC

Look at the smiles on our faces :)
1- Huiru & Mun- the shopping queens

2- Huiru & Blake

3- Jaz, Suhaili & Chai Nai

4- Blake insisted taking pictures with the sushi, weird

Free Chocolates somemore;
From Suhaili

Charmaine, Angelynn.
Jazz, Mun & Suhaili

Released school at 3pm, which is so surprise because this faccy is damn naagy de lah.

He gave us a personality test, and I belongs to the "BOSSY" category.

My boy got his passed his car driving, and came and fetch me for dinner :)

We went to Jurong and i had a plate of chicken rice. It only costs me $1.50.

OMFG, its definitely not easy to find anything less than $2 in Singapore NOW!

After dinner, he drove me to somewhere peaceful - Chinese Garden.

Its my first time here, and im so happy lah.

Anyway, my hair looks great today! :)

I didnt post one of my picture with the bamboo, because I find it so CHINA.

Boy bought a packet of fish-food for me, to feed the fishes. DUH!

Here are some nice pictures captures;

Its a great place to go to, if you wish to have a peaceful moments.

And its a good place for dating too, rather than the busy and nosiy town.

We have a great time feeding the fishes. :)

May Tan with her new-hair.

She looks like China-dolls.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Fussy Mun is craving for mushroom prata, therefore, we travel all the way to somewhere-near-clementi to have to prata.
Its located near my secondary school lah, and im sure 6 Das knows which shop am I referring to.

The Bandung there is my favourite.
I remember my record is having 3 cups of bandung at one shot.

Expensive Chocolate;
from someone really sweet :

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday is my family day <3
Spend the whole afternoon with my Soong's family.
Went Anchorpoint;

After getting all the stuffs we need for the ball on next friday, its time to fill up our tummies.

Its Jacks Place;
Im busy having my lamb chop, so i didnt help my mummy to take a picture of her food.

Had my hair all bun-ned up.
Alright, i know i look elegant :)

My yandao daddy :)
He is full of craps lah *faint*


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hi, this is Lee ZhengNong.
Hes one of my best-friend. Most importantly, hes still single!
Hes nice and sweet. Interested? drop me a mail :)

I was so surprised that theres actually 3 full groups today.
Firstly because its friday.
Secondly, because its Mr Seow's boring lesson.
Lastly, holiday is approching.

2) Its Berlinda & Chuyun :)
3) Me, Ber & Chu.
4) (from right) thats me.
Berlinda, shes one of my FYP team-mate.
Suhaili, i dont know whether i spelt it correctly. shes horny and shes damn noisy.
Chuyun, shes my first new friend in this class.
Liyana, shes been in the same class with me since last semester.

Went Bishan to catch our 6pm show- Body #19.
Before our 2 hours show, we need to fill up our tummy.
Had Sakae :)

alright, the person who accompanied me to watch the movie jumped 6-8 times throughout the 2 hours show.
i told him that he scared me more than the movie does *faint*

Some loser came to talk to me, and the first thing he asked me :Do u want to talk about sex?"
fuck lah, LOSER

I was so into this show "GOSSIP GIRLS". just came stop watching it

**Chocolate under his armpit :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

After school, went to CCK, to have my dinner with Si-gui.
We seriously dont know what to eat, because Pizza Hut is crowded with those students who just got their O's results.

So, we had this WanZai resturant.
I decided to have a cup of hot ice-lemon tea, and chicken porridge.
And nice bowl of warm dessert after my food is great.

However, the atmosphere there is spoilt by those no-manners bastards, who speaks like as if they owed the place.
Anyway, we are not going back there again, never.
Its black-listed in my menu.
Which part of it looks like one?

Chocolate at his back-side. <3