Monday, December 31, 2007

Its quite sad to work on New Year's Eve (from 9am to 5pm)
But its alright, because im getting paid hourly and theres even free lunch, sponsored by the company, so why not.
Anyway, I will be meeting my beloved Si-gui after work, to spend the evening together.

First stop, we went to Changi Airport for dinner, because its less crowded there.
We wishes to have a peaceful night, thus didnt make our way down to either Town or Vivo city.

Those air-stewardess are damn pretty in their uniform, and I really wish I can put on their uniform and work as an air-stewardess too. I'll definitely go down for interview after getting my diploma. :)

Dinner was at Sundanese, which is an Indonesian restaurant.

Their menu is soo special-looking lah.

The food is yummy and not spicy :)
Thats why I love having meals with him, because he will always bring me to new places, and he make sure I enjoyed.

My favourite corner the dessert buffet corner!

After Changi, we went down to Chinatown, for a drinking session.
He had a jug of beer, while I had my $7 7-up.

Headed home after the drinking session, and bought some sweets for my sisters.
Hope that they will have a sweet year ahead.

And I must be a Cinderella tonight, to reach home before midnight.
because there will be fireworks tonight, and I have a clear view from my home.
So, by hook or by crook, I must reach home before 12am, to capture the beautiful view.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Party World at Ochard, with my Soong's family.
To celebrate Mum&Dad's 23rd anniversary.

The super-nice hair-clip given by my brother long-term girlfriend, haha.

The 2 bitchy sisters I have.
They just cant keep their mouth shut, and they enjoys cam-whoring.

Singing is FUN :)
But my brother doesnt seems to enjoy it, and he didnt even sing a song.
stupid, waste money only.

Yiling, she claims that she dont know how to sing, but ended up singing a few nice songs.

Some videos taken in the room,
1st- mummy singing old school song, and its not too bad

My 2 mad sisters *faint

Mummy & daddy singing couple song.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Went vivo city, hoping to get some tops for New Year,
BUT all the sales items are in size XL :(

MOS burger is my NEW love.


Expensive chocolate;
It've been long since i buy my own chocolates, cause usually someone will give me surprise de :)

Car-washing, its my first time doing car-washing after 18 years.
its not fun at all, but my brother and his gf seems to enjoy it. i dunno why, dont ask me.

Me and my fat sister are entertaining ourselves, to kill time.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Met Adeline at vivo to pass her the tickets, and shes going with kiki.
PS: her mum is soooo cute.

My brother gave me my christmas present!
Mintmark & Co's necklace :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

YHS gave my Dad's company a pair of Maria Sharapova's tickets.

Fyi, shes a famous tennis player.
But too bad, im booked this sunday, going to party's world with parents to celebrate their 23rd anniversary.

So, i msged some of my friends, who are more active in sports, and asked them whether they are interested.
And im giving out for free lah, im such a nice friend, i know. *shy*

My tickets worth $180 each.

In the end, gave it to my dear Adeline.
This will be the best christmas present for her, cause i accidently 'stole' her ideal gift (PR's TOPSHOP CARD)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

1 day after Christmas, looking forward for my gifts from him.

Surprise AGAIN <3

Went down to Bugis, looking for presents that i like :)
End of the day, received 3 gifts from him;

Nice necklace.

And i've been looking for this pair of cherry earrings (blink blink) for a long time.
Price: Priceless!

A Hp Chain.

I bought a Donald Duck necklace for him.

Heart beating sibo *inside joke

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I enjoys spending my christmas with family.

Had lunch at Zhi-Ruan.

Exploring my new phone's function.

Today's post is simple, sweet and nice.
Enjoy your christmas, loves.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Work starts from 8am and ends at 2pm.
After work, went to meet Si-gui for lunch.
Headed down to City Hall, hoping that the crowd over there would be lesser than town.

A christmas gift given by one of the auntie working in the office.
Famous amos cookies <3

Mun loves surprises, giveme more please.
giveme giveme more, giveme more, giveme giveme more :)

Expensive and not-nice :(
I gave 9/10 of it to 6Das. lol!

Sandwich at Gelare;
Food quality: So-So
Customer service: Poor, due to lack of manpower. can you imagine theres only 2 staffs working on a PH and managing a 20-tables cafe.

Went to meet 6das at Bugis;
They plays an important role in my life <3

1) Chris and Mun. She went MIA for 1 year+.
2) Mun & Peirong. How blur can you get?
3) Although we didnt meet for 1 year+, but i still love you de lah.
4) Ade & Mun.Adeline, can you stop playing games?
5) Wau lau, so long never come out and meet us, still dare to eat my cookies ar!
6)Ade & PR. Endless jokes.
8) Mun & QF. she is always late leh, can you be earlier next time?
9) Mun & Sabby. My best gossip partners.

Hip Diner USA;
its halal, no pork no lard. haha

While waiting for the 2 late-comers to arrive, we chilled first.
Reasons for being late: Sabby- she needs 20-30 minutes to draw her eyes.
Qf- yalah, she needs to work, I'll be more considerate.

Dinner!! finally
Adeline had her snail hotdog.
Peirong had her honey chicken.
Chris Mun QF had our Fish and chips.
Sabby had her beef steak.

The last fries, divided into 6 parts.
this shows that we share everythings equally.

Reasonable meal;

With Free entertainment too! Adeline wishes to be part of them too! haha.

With free draws somemore. its mine!

Additional gifts from Sabby; *whee whee

Before going home;

GIFTS EXCHANGE videos; fun :)

Adeline received Christina's present;
Dorothy Perkins' $20 gift card (from christina)


QF's present, from Sabby. Sabby is sad, beause no one wants her gifts.

Christina's- from Adeline. They are both fighting for PR's gifts, but i get it in the end!