Friday, November 30, 2007

Wore the $10 top that i bought from Bugis yesterday.

Angela: yesterday you all went to bugis, got buy anything?
KM: hmm yup. the one that im wearing right now.
Angela: oo, how much is it?
KM: $49.90 from Dorothy Perkins.
Angela: (feel the material of my top) hmm, the material not bad. but Dorothy Perkins have this design meh?
KM: oo, its the new season lah.
Angela: oo. ok. not too bad

When i stepped into my class, my classmates were like "is your top from forever 21?"
then i was like, "nolah, its only $10 from bugis street"

haha, so happy lah.
this shows that all the tops look good on me.
cant blame lah, mun is gorgeous

went to town with my bastard gang.
on the train;
pretty mun and sweet shir.

pretty mun & cute may.
Nong is zilian-ing.
Leow Zhen Nong.
The 4 bastard queens:
Tan gan lian soong hao lian. tan huai ren. leow muzhu
our new nickname :)
The 3 sleeping beauties
Fireworks at night;
Celebrating Vivo's one year opening.

Busy doing my poster and preparing for my Distribution&Transportation UT.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nabei, have to replace my adapter with a new one AGAIN.
faint lah.

went bugis with shir and nong after getting adapter.
it has been long since we shop there.

shir bought us 'black eggs'.
so nice of her *candy girl <3

look alike lei :)

Shir and mun bought one top for $10.
somemore, it doesn't look like $10 lah.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A very fun Wednesday.
Cause we're crossing the sea. :)

Reached there around 11am and we started gai-gai, crapping and eating.

Had Japanese for lunch. ;

I was damn pissed lah.
people actually started smoking inside the resturant.
and i was told that Singapore is the only country that you CANT smoke in the resturant.

Alright, my food is here.

YUMMY ** Wee~Wee

SuShi Plate.
This meal is reasonable lah.
The whole meal costs us only like $60.

Finally, my parents came back from HK.
They reached home around 130am, and i woke up at 2am, looking for my presents :)

Mummy bought 3 authentic Gucci Bags.
1 for her, 1 for mun and 1 for brother's gf.


Its damn nice lor, I swear.
Mummy has grant one of my wishes in my wishing list-

Even the carrier is nice can :)


Mun's gifts from mummy; Gucci Bag and 1 cap Plus Disneyland toys.

Anyway Angela, dont be too upset.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

getting ready for tml's trip.

mun is mad due to; spoilt adapter.
mun is delighted due to: Authentic GUCCI belt :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Mum was oversea and Mun had to settle my own dinner. :(
Anyway, Mum called yesterday telling me that she bought a new authentic GUCCI bag for me!

Met my friend for dinner.
And i forced him to wear like that, cause he made me angry last night.

Dinner was at Superdog!

My all-time fav;
Ben & Jerry's

He bought me CUUUTTEE chocolate!

And my bf's gf, who is staying at my hse for these few days bought me durian moouse.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Cookies that BASTARD QUEENS gave her.
Kahmun didnt contribute anything, whereas Shir and Angela baked till 4am.
Sorry :(

This cookie over here looks exactly like Delon! haha

Therefore, we invite delon to present the cookies to the Birthday Girl.

Went for lunch at Burger King, although i already had mine at Mel's resturant;
Pretty, Nice, LOVE. <3

After lunch, we WALKED from Cini to Lido; And the walking distance is soooo long lah, under the hot sun somemore :(

After crossing the road (cant remember which traffic light lah), we saw these pretty ballet.

May: Mun, help me take photo.

Mun: okok. hey, you pose like her leh!

May: Dun want lah, SHY!

Mun: faint lah.

Shir: I also want, I also want!

Mun: okok. pose like her leh!

Shir: Shy lah, so many people.

Mun: (0.0)

Mun: Angela, help me take.

Angela: okok.

(while i was posing, a angmok walked pass and smile at me).

Mun: that angmok smile to me leh!

Angela: haha, issit?

(walking towards Jerry)

Mun: Angela, come back hor. dont think i dunno hor, walk away like that then no need to pose ar?

Angela: SHY lah. i thought u didnt notice. HAHAHAHAHA

Mun: faint lah, STAND PROPERLY LAH

While walking to Lido, the conversation between Jerry and Mun.
Jerry: hey, kahmun, we have to walk nicely leh
Mun: why ar?
Jerry: Cause later I scare got people take our photo again.
Mun: hahaha, okok
(then we are like walking in the centre of the path, having our chin high up in the air, a smile on our face, getting ready for the camera.)

Saw this 4-storey tall Christmas tree inside Taka;
Angela didnt want to take with this Christmas tree de, cause she said she took it yesterday with her working colleagues.
In the end, also took with us :)

The M&M house

Finally, we reached Party's World.
Jerry's brother is the manager over there and therefore, we receive a warm welcome from him.

WARM WELCOME = VIP ROOM :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

1. Angela maymay and candy girl <3

2. Delon and Angela. haha, delon was being forced to wear the barney's cap. kawaiiiiiii

3. delon, why are in between my 2 candy girls?

4. Jerry! Shuai lei.

5. MAMA-SAN sibo

6. 开心吗?

7. haha, im extra in this pic.


9. My bastard queens and kings


After editing;

damn funny lah

Dress Code: Dress + Barney's cap

Delon, where are your hands placing at?

Those who love to sing, SING.

Those who dont know how to sing, POKER.

Barney's cup

Leow Lee Khain!
She acts like a Superstar cause everyone wants to take her picture when she wear the barney's cap in such a weird manner.

Another way of wearing the barney's cap;


Spent 4 hours in the room;

Playing and singing. we're ready to go and meet Nong for dinner.

Chio, chio. Shuai, Shuai

The first thing we did: take picture.

The last thing we did: also take picture.

Cant blame us lah, we are born to be HOT right, angela?

This pic is real chio lah :)

any girls for you?

The 100% look-alike

Angela's tatoo.
Act lian only.

Finally, we leave Party's world and make our way to MRT station to fetch our dear Nong.
and the first sentence from his mouth is “may leh?”
wau lau, angela and mun are transparent de ar?

headed down to Bugis for dinner.
Had vegetarian food. and I swear its my first time having that.
Cute Nong, Shy Nong, Handsome Nong.
Delon have to leave early, because he claimed that his daddy will scold him if he reaches home late.
The food is here;
Shirley eat, may eat, angela eat, jerry eat, nong eat :)
We played the game, 007, while waiting for the food to be served.
and the loser will have buy drinks.
so, the loser is angela lah, expected
After dinner, we played the same game again.
This time round, angela lost 3 times in a row, and therefore she owed us 3 dares!

The first dare;
Wear 1 barney's cap
2nd dare;
Wear 2 barney's cap.
(shirley is busy looking for her shades to lend Angela, haha)
She dont dare to walk out of the hawker centr alone, so she keeps holding onto Shirley.
fucking funny lah.
May keeps saying " Mun, help me. i laugh too much liao. stomach cramp!!"
Then i answered her "Mun also cant help you, cause mun cant stop laughing too!"
The 3rd dare;
Sing happy birthday song as we walk.
(and surprisingly, no one look at her leh. one angmok auntie even wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY.)

Reached bugis Junction;
and the moment we saw Christmas decoration, we will automatically get ready for camera.

If you are wondering where is nong and shir, they actually went to buy “cake” for May.
And we sang the Birthday Song in front of the fountain, although many people are looking at us.
She nearly cried, i swear. <3
The happy 19 years old girl :)
And we gave her a ice-cream instead of a cake <3
19 years old liao ar.
got dragon at the back sibo.
Sweet mun~~~