Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ended my 20 months relationship with “Si-gui”.
Reason: His Rich, Young and Pretty Boss.

Anyway, that’s beside the point. The main point is that I’ve regain my single-hood. The first person I called is Sabrina, and she promise to buy me lots of chocolates, provided I’m still single after one month. :)

I’m so glad that I have my bunch of good friends accompanying me, throughout this period of time. THANKS.

Although you’re not here to accompany anymore, but I swear I'll become more independence than before. Thanks for all the time from you and I hope that you can build up your own business one day and successful in whatever you do.

This will be the last time mentioning this nickname, “Si-gui in my blog. I know I will take quite a time to erase this person from my memory, but I will try my best. Anyway, I’m strong enough to overcome any obstacles. I just need time, seriously. And good friends to be here for me- 6Das, Bastard Queens, Jerry, Delon, Prince Nong.

I will miss the time with you,
I will miss shopping with you,
I will miss disturbing you,
I will miss you disturbing me,
I will miss sleeping in your arm,
I will miss having junk food with you,
I will miss you kissing my cheek,
I will miss you holding my hand,
I will miss taking long-journey bus with you.

BUT it’s all the past, and right now, the only thing I’m thinking is how to pamper myself and treat myself better.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shirley’s “soon-to-be boyfriend”, Roy is so sweet can.
He actually makes us breakfast.
Bread with Bagua.

Suppose to shop with Sabrina.
Ended up, rotting in her place as she spent 3 fucking hours doing her make-up and hair.
Another reason would be the heavy rain.

She’s the one who pangsei me. But I still <3 her

See how dirty her mirror is. *faint
Finally we show our teeth when taking photo, once in a 82395736238372851 years. (the one on the right).

Her's, from her sis.
Mine, from "Si-gui"

It seems as if i'm not wearing anything.

BUT i'm actually wearing an orange tube

Lastly, one nice picture of us :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tanning with my <3
Cause Soh Jia Yu pangseh me. And I wrote her a testi, saying that I swear I’ll squeeze her tits and bite her nipples if she ever pangsei me again!

Happily dressed up and ready to go :)

Sabrina and Mun bought this dress at $15. cheap and nice :)

Met and had breakfast at Seah Im hawker centre. And he keeps complaining that he’s my spare tyre cause I wake him up early in the morning to accompany me for my sun-tanning.

After that, went over vivo to get mineral water and my tanning oil. damn pissed lah, Watson actually charged me $1 more for the tanning oil, if I knows that giant sells tanning oil, I wouldnt even go into Watson. Alright, thats beside the point, then we took the Sentosa Express to the beach station.

Started sun-tan at around 1145.

And it started to rain at 1210.

Luckily the rain went away after 20 minutes so i can carry on with my tanning :)

Same Design & Brand, Diff Color

Alright, I look like a corpse but I just want to tan my body not face.

After tanning, ready for lunch.
But I still look fair. :(

Had lunch at sakae sushi. We reached there too early and thus cant have the lunch buffet.

10% for staff :)
which means, we do not have to pay for the service charge.

After lunch, had a stroll by the beach and headed down to the Imbiah station. Went to merlion to look for my colleagues. After which, we went to the butterfly park and its his first time been there.

The stupid dumb parrot that wont even say hi to me.

The colorful bettles

The gigantic Spider.

The butterfly must be thinking I’m a gigantic monster.

Hot Babe Visiting the Butterfly Park *shy

Luminous blue

NICE flower

Its makes my hairs stand. *yucks

Cineblast after butterfly park.

Wanted to take out my staff pass from my bag to exchange for the ticket and i realized that there's a black butterfly in my bag. So scary can, and I was like shouting like nobody’s business.

Inside Cineblast

Its my second time watching this, and seriously, I feel that those people who paid to enter is really fucking stupid can. And the entrance fee is fucking $16, i rather spend the $$$ on Uncle Ringo.

ENJOYED.. looking forward to my next sun-tanning session :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Firstly, here’s my Donald Duck from the weird uncle, last weekend. hahas
Damn cute can, but it cant last long. :(

Met my bastard queens and kings to do Professional Profiling (PP) together.
The deadline is here soon, gosh!!

Went to Woodlands Civic Centre’s library, and I swear it’s my first time there.
We’re at the Romance section. <3

This picture is kinda of random.

Went home at around 630pm, cause Delon said he wants to have dinner with Chang-er later on.
hahas, faint can.
For those who do not know who the hell is Chang-er, it’s this lady over here who is flying towards the MOON.

"Even though the blame on you, I’ll take that blame on you, and you can put the blame on me."

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Two ridiculous incidents regardingto BREASTS.

First, my male colleagues find big-breasts girls attractive and they claimed that ALL big-breasts girls are pretty. I strongly disagree with this point and I shouted back “it doesn’t mean small-breasts girls are ugly”. I mean, I don’t understand why does guys often like to look at the girl’s breasts to rate the beauty’s of the lady.

If you’ve noticed, those entire big-breasts lady are mostly fat, except for some like Fiona Xie, who have both the look and body-figure. BUT she can’t be considered as a beauty as her attitude and character sucks. A real beauty is one who both inner and outer beauty and when you’re lack of any of them, you’re OUT!

The second incident is, i saw this real big-breasts woman, I think she’s wearing an H-cup. Alright, she’s a Caucasian and quite plump. But her breasts are WOW. And those fucking China pervert uncles keep laughing at her big-breasts and they’re fucking rude lah. Can’t they just spare a thought for other feelings and stop staring and laughing at others. It’s not their own fault to have small or big-breasts, not unless they undergo surgery but I seriously feel that everyone have their own beauty within themselves.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Class was pretty quiet and I’m going to die soon in such environment.
The worse thing is; I cant even cam-whore in the class, cause everyone will think I’m a “siao cha bo”. I cant even say “May!! SMILE”.

So, i just walk to May’s class (which is jus opp), and cam-whore over there.



JOEY, the Shopping Queen

Met my bastard queens and NONG.
Finally we went IKEA for HOTDOGS!!
IKEA HOTDOGS, here we come.

From the Year 2 Semester 1 to Year 2 Semester 2 (which is like 5 months already), we finally get to eat this.


It’ve been real long since the 4 bastard queens capture a photo together.

L.O.V.E ME MORE :) hahas

IKEA Promoters!

Minimum coverage, Maximum exposure. *inside joke

It's nice to have dinner in such environment :)