Friday, August 31, 2007

Yesh, finally it’s the 6th Morning tml and im fucking tired after so many days of work.

So upset by 2 incidents today lah.

#1- No BBQ pit tml.
Sabby’s mummy never help us to book the BBQ pit cause she claimed that no one will hold BBQ on the Ghost’s Festival.
So, we have to call those town council and national park to check whether there’s any BBQ pit available. Its pretty rush lah, and I suggest having steamboat but it’s un-favorable. So, we can just pray hard lor

#2- Postpone of my HongKong trip.
Intended to go HK on the next Thursday, but the air-tickets are fully-booked and I have to postpone the trip. Fucking disappointed lah.

What to do? Everything seems be in a rush.
I can only pray hard that things can goes on smoothly.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So happy last night lah.
My mum told me she has 2 free air-tickets (2 ways) to Hong Kong plus 2 nights 4* hotel, given by Coca Cola Company for some unknown reasons. 2 years ago, I went there once and during that time im still young, so I didn’t shop a lot. But now, I really want to shop there!

第二天”, my first thought when I managed to get off my bed, cause I’ve to work 5 days straight (mon-fri), and I’m actually counting down to the 6th morning, when I can happily get off my bed, put on my spongebob tee and make my way down to Jurong to meet my 6Das.

Reached my workplace at 830am cause my mum drove me there, and I’m like 45 minutes early. So, I spent 30 minutes chatting with Sabby, using the office’s phone. She sounds fascinated when telling me that she’ll be discharged at 11am, and I really hope she can take good care of herself and stop making her mum worries for her.

Then she called me again at 1130, telling me that she saw me on the U magazine, some “Fashion Hunt”. So, my first reaction is “can I sue them?” hahas

So I bought 1 copy and guess what!!! I saw jerry too!! hahas.
I think it’s on my birthday, cause we went kbox together and I remember seeing him wearing this shirt for that day. And I only wore this top for twice, CNY and my birthday. During CYN, I was at Malaysia, so it’s definitely on my birthday then.

Pictures badly-taken ):
I didn’t even smile and my mouth is half-open.

My “Si-gui” actually went to purchase another copy, and says he spent $2 to look my face.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

alright, im asked to do this survey, and that kuku says "MUST DO"...
and asked me to post this in my blog, so here you go...

List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for:
1. A PosbBank card that have unlimited cash.
2. Back to E45R.
3. A rich old-man who is dying soon.
4. Free Air-tickets to tour around the world.
5. Grant me another 100 wishes.

Answer the following questions:

1. The person who tag you is?
Lee Zheng Nong.

2. Your relationship with him/her is:
Classmates/ Good Friends

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her:

- Mr. Nice Guy
- Quiet
- Weird (cause he eats Maggi with Chopsticks)
- Ultra pure vegetarian
- Gamer

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Carrying my laptop?.

5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you?
Don’t break with him (Si-Gui) lah.

6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will?
Be very sad, cause he don’t have time for me de, always counter-strike or dota.

7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
Stop gaming and eat meat can.

8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
Smash his laptop on the floor and place meat items into his rice, without he knowing it. Hahas

9. if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
Cause he’s skinner than me?.

10. the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
Pass him all the photos we took in E45R, cause he will stop asking me for it.

11. your overall impression of him/her is?
Mr. Nice Guy

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
Hyper-active, Fun, Lovable, Sweet.

13. the character you love of yourself is?
The i-dun-give-a-damn character.

14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Not understanding enough.

15. the most ideal person you want to be is?
Nope, I enjoy being myself.

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
I do treasure the moments being together and thanks for everything. for people whom i've hurt: * I don’t hurt other, unless they deserve that.

17. For people whom i love and treasure:
Stay by me and be there whenever you are needed.

18. Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. Adeline
2. Peirong
3. Sabrina
4. Qingfeng
5. Shirley
6. Jeff
7. Zhengnong
8. Angela
9. May Tan
10. “Si-gui”

who is no.6 having relationship with?
Classmate/ Good friend

Is no.9 a male or female?

If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
Nope, cause “Si-gui” is mine and if they are together, that would be too gay.

How bout no.8 and 5?
nope, they are both my close girlfriends.

What is no.2 studying about?
EEE (some engineering course) where there’s a lot of guys in the class.

When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Less than 24 hours.

What kind of music band does no.8 like? She loves Cantonese songs (although she don’t understand).
No specified music bands

Does no.1 has any siblings ?
She has a elder-brother.

Will you woo no.3 ?
Nope, although we enjoyed each other’s accompany.

How about no.7 ?
Too nice to be mine.

Is no.4 single ?
Ya (not long ago)

What is the surname of no.5?

What is the nickname of no.10?

What is the hobby of no.4?
Dolling up?

Do no.5 and 9 get along well?

Where is no.2 studying at?

Talk something casually about no.1?
She loves netball.

Have you try developing feelings for no.8?
And WE love to bastard her.

Where does no.9 live at?

What color does no.4 like?

Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
Nah, they don’t even know each other.

Does no.7 likes no.2?
Nah, they don’t even know each other.

How do you get to know no.2?
My secondary 1 – 4 classmate and my 6Da.

Does no.1 have any pets?
Yes, hamsters.

Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
For goodness sake, NO!! hahas

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Didn’t manage to have my Korean BBQ cause my brother is having sore throat, so disappointed. Did my own pizza instead.

Stayed at home, uploading my friendster’s photos, downloading songs, and creating my own tape for my phone.

Suppose to be having bbq right now, but ended up staying at home, watching Korean drama series.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thanks to Jake (jerk) for “damaging” Sabrina’s nose, causing her so much un-comfort and pain, bleeding non-stop and admitted into hospital AGAIN.

Therefore, tml’s bbq has been postpone to the next Saturday, 1st September 07. although the date is changed, but the theme remains unchanged – Spongebob.

Finally, there’s one day that the 7 of us (6 Das + Terence) can meet up together, gossip and have fun, so happy can. As the 7 of us are all from different schools, so it’s quite tough for us to meet up together.

Sabrina – Some Private School (diploma in criminology)
Qingfeng – some private school (diploma in tourism and hospitality)
Kahmun – RP (diploma in supply chain management)
Adeline- NP (diploma in logistics)
Peirong – SP (diploma in EEE)
Christina – NYP (diploma in nursing)
Terence – PJC (used-to-be)

Not working, not meeting my girls, then tml shall be my family’s day.
I wonder where we will be going for lunch tml, and I suddenly have the craving for the Korean BBQ.

Random thought
: I want to go Taiwan with 6Das when im 21.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The first day of holiday.
Woke up at 830am and get out of my house at 1000am.
Supposed to meet a kuku for breakfast de, but he ‘pai-seh’ me, Marcus Yeo

So i Went to West Coast Park with my bulky laptop, cause I have to wait for that “Si-Gui” to finish up his things before going out with me.

Reached West Coast Park at 1030am, and many memories flashed back.
The “spider-web” thingy that 6 Das used to climb and the Macdonald that we used to study
together over there.

Stayed there for 2 hours, updating my blog for the previous day.
And it’s raining heavily lah.

Finally met that asshole at 1230.
And he actually bought me Spongebob (with green spots)

The way he gave this to me is so sweet lah.
It’s still raining when I met him and therefore, we both shared the umbrella. As usual he will place his hand around my waist, and seriously I didn’t notice anything weird/funny.
So we went to buy my chocolate waffle, and he gave me $1.10, and asked me whether I have additional of 20cents, and I noticed that the spongebob hanging onto my bag when I was getting my wallet.

Actually he has enough coins to pay for that waffle, but he just wants me to take a look at my bag. *sweet
hello, new member :)

Was at Simei's Pet Safari.
I asked me “Si-gui” to replace his current dog with this one, and he seems to be unhappy.
Damn cute, right?

Nice Picture of the day

"So-not-me" Pose

Random thought: I saw a damn hot policeman near my living estate, in his sexy uniform.I want to commit crimes!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Last day of school for this semester.

Dress code for the Day : Formal wear

Good Bye, E45R and I know we’ll miss each other.
But we can always meet up. Yah?

Last day of school, luckily it’s Edwin, if not we’ll all Pon.

Met Angela to walk to school together because we both feel weird wearing a dress to school.

i said i look elegant in my dress and she claimed that she looked like a pregnant woman. lol

Damn slack today lah.
Didn’t even bring laptop to school, and for those who brought the laptop, I doubt they even download the problem statement. They’re all crazy over Counterstrike and sometimes I really wonder why some many people are crazy over this game.

Reached class, took a picture with Da Xiong and Angela.

Toilet Cam-whoring

usual gossip location”.
may isn't in these picture because she's feeling unwell and will be late.

Back to class.
Mun and Shir, busy with stitching.

Went MIA for 3 hours.
was busy having breakfast at Mac, choosing present for Da Xiong, Buying pizzas, and helping an uncle who poo-ed in his pants.

Collected $2 from every member in the class to buy a Bear for Da Xiong.

And Da Xiong gave us $70 to buy pizza for the class.
But we reached CauseWay point at 1030pm and most of the shops are not open yet, so had Mac for breakfast.

After the breakfast, gotten the present, bought the pizzas, went to take a bus back to school.

While waiting for the bus, I noticed that one uncle doesn’t seem well and he looked pale, so I told the rest of them. So I asked ZhengNong to approach him to ask if he’s fine, as he’s the only guy among us. But he actually came back and tells us that he seems to be waiting for people when he didn’t even talk to him. So Shirley went up to him, and he doesn’t want to talk to her, and the reason is that he shitted in his pant and he feels so embarrassed to tell Shirley.
So in the end, Shirley and Zhengnong brought him to the toilet and when he finished his shitting, he wanted us to call the ambulance for him. Meanwhile, the hopeless,useless guys in my class, keeps calling and asked us what’s taking us so long. We're so noble can. Except for Angela, because she keeps saying that she’s very scared.

Saw KayWeng in the bus interchange.
My Year 1 Sem 1’s friend.

Pizza Feast, reached class finally

Pictures fooling in class

The Facilitation Room E45R

Jerry Acting Gay.


Watching Shirley "ZaoGeng".



Delon's weird pose.

Scaring Shirley.

"2-Yeah-s" pose.

Nice Shots

Jeff Angela

Jeff Shirley.

Nong Mun Lon.

Nong Li Lon

Xiong Jeff

Lon Xiong

Mun Bro

Mun Charles. he looks like ghost.

Bastard Quuens with Edwin #1

Bastard Quuens with Edwin #2

Sweet Shots

Shirley Mun

Getting Married?
Cute Shots.

Went to May's house to palce her bag.
And Jeff wanted to jump off the building cos he said that his gf is too troublesome. lol

Went to Mind's Cafe.

Acting Emo.


1st loser.
Punishment: get a girl's number.

2nd loser.
Punishment: Superman's pose under the superman's poster.

3rd loser: Tan Shirley.
her punishment is being video down, not going to show, its too draggy.
punishment: run out from the kitchen, with the superman's pose and shouting when running out.

Change game to: Murderer

1st and 2nd loser: Leow Lee Khain
punishment #1: take a picture with a guy.
she used one brownies to exchange for this picture.
punishment #2: cat-walk from the kitchen and singing "the Chorus part of “umbrella”"

Angela left half-way.
Pictures taken

After Angela left, we changed the punishment to "true-or-dare".

#1- Tan Shirley (true)
question: who she wants to give her virginity to?
answer: Alan.

#2- Tan Shirley, again (dare)
- lick delon's ear.

#3- Colleen (true)
question: Masturbate before?
answer: nope.

#4- marcus (true)
question: sex position you like?
answer: cross-leg position
question: where u preferred?
answer: in the car.

#5- ZhengNong (true)
question: prettiest girl in class.
answer: Shirley.
question: masturbate before?
answer: nope

#6- delon (dare)
Lick Jerry's nipple

#7- Charles (true)
question: do you usually masturbate during or after watching porn?
answer: during.
question: how many times?
answer: only once

#8- kahmun (true)
question: choose 3 guys in the class that i want to play 3P with, and the things i want the 3 guys to do for me.
answer: 1- jerry, oral sex for me
2- Zhengnong, sex
3- delon, lick my toe.


this guy is quite cute.

Nice Photos of the Day