Monday, December 20, 2010

20Dec - My OJL flight. im going to apply whatever i have learnt and i have not learnt. I'm so looking forward to it. Hopefully, i will be invited into the jumpseat!

Counting down:
2 more days to my final assessment. Will be attending a birthday celebration with my lovely batchmates. Will be going partying on that night too as i have no flight the next day.

3 more days to adeline's departure to Hongkong. Hopefully i can be a good host for that day!

4 more days to my brother's birthday! will be getting his birthday present in the Airport! Will be doing my xmas countdown in hongkong with friends. i pray hard for a hardcore countdown~! Ooops!

5 more days to Xmas. Will be my first offical flight and it will be flying to Korea. Flying sexcited and stressful at the same time cause i can predict that it will be a busy day. No xmas for me this year :(

6 more days to going back to Singapore. Time flies and im in hongkong for more than 1.5 months. Actually im quite used to living in hongkong although i miss my family and friends. Hongkong is going to be my second home from what it reflects on my Jan's roster. No regrets to getting into this fresh industry to me as i feel that i have learnt alot from this 1.5 months. The whole process makes me grow into a more mature person and i have definitely display my independency. i do admit that i weep like a baby when i miss home, but as the training gets my intense, i dont even have the time to weep. Sleeping at 11 plus and waking up at 7am seems to be my practice, which surprise me too. Asahi has promoted and becomes my best drink when im stress. No complaints on the intensive training as i have chosen this path myself.

I think i have fallen in love with this airline job as i have never been so serious in a job/school project. I have placed in my 110% effort and i hope that my enthusiasm towards my job will not fade. YCL intensive training is coming to the end soon. I will definitely miss every single person in induction 30/10. The whole team will meet again in Mar and spend a week together for the conversion training, i cant wait for that either!

I'm going to prepare my make-up and hair for my OJL! Miss me xoxo