Thursday, November 11, 2010

Align CenterHello from HongKong. reached HK on the 9th Nov, and started training on the next day. It is going to be a very tough 6 weeks as there are intensive training and exams ahead. I salute all the current cabin crew because all of them had undergo all these training. its super tough and the material given to study can filled up my whole bed. Speaking of bed, i wan to mention about the hotel which im currently staying at. It is very pretty and well-equipped, with mirrors at almost every corner of the room. Moon, my room-mate, is very neat and tidy. So she always help to clear my messy items!

First day.
Shopping with batch mates for tml's morning. I bought cup-noodles, bread and 4 bottles of juices.

Second day- Uniform fitting and beginning of training.
They all said that i look pretty in the uniform because im fair and tall. In fact, the best thing i like about Cathay Pacific other than their culture is their uniform. But no pink eye shade when wearing their uniform.

training is gonna be tough and fun. Sin base + HK base.
meeting the HK base for lunch later, before going for make-up class! :)

3rd day. Make up lesson.
it is consider as the best day throughout the whole 6 weeks.3 hours of training and lesson is held at some shopping paradise area.

at cathay city, where is training is held. replying fb messages, msn and update my blog here.

weather here is cool and dry, need to do mask everyday.
i will work, study and play hard here. take care, friends in Singapore.

Munny misses you, xoxo