Monday, September 27, 2010

*wipe wipe* i know that my blog has turned dusty and rusty. Do follow me on FB or Twitter as i'm more active there.

It seems that i have stopped blogging for 3 months. No worries, im still enjoying my life and doing perfectly well. I still love my family and all my close friends.

July, the month which i love most, and is the busiest and most memorable month i ever had.
I went for a 3D2N BKK shopping spree, with family. Went for CX first-round of interview. Celebrated my 21st birthday together with my grandmum's 70th birthday. Had a fun and enjoyable 7D6N HK trip with my bastard queens. On the day i return back Singapore, went for my second-round of CX interview.

We love BKK!
Same 5-star hotel- Prince Palace.

My brother surrender this time round. He said that he will not return to bkk if im going there for another round of shopping spree.

I bought back 55kg of stuffs.
From accessories, tops, skirt, hair bands, etc.....

My 21st + Grandmum's 70th = Double happiness.

Seriously, nothing can beat celebrating our big day with our love ones. People who knows me well, should know that i have always place my family above anything, i repeat, anything.

Family photo;

Soong's family;
Important people in my life, although my youngest sister can really be damn annoying at times, but blood is thicker than water. i still love her for who she is, minus the annoyance

* i look damn skinny and pretty in this pic* -wink-

Not forgetting my precious gems;
They're bestfriend for life.

Met up with roy and baby for one of my fav dessert.

It's HK summer sale!

Summer= Hot buy and hot weather.

We shopped hard, played hard and partied hard. But partying in HK is pretty boring, or am i getting a little too old to party?
i prefer to chill in a pub than to shake in a club.
i prefer cocktails / white wine than vodka.
But in conclusion, it still depends on the company which you're going with.

serious sun-burnt after a day at ocean park.

Partied with sabby, queens, roy and his friends.
still loving ph's remix, but where are good-looking guys?!?!

USS with mum and sister.
it will be embarrassing if any of my future passengers/ tourists asked me about Singapore's Universal Studios and i'm unable to tell them.
Anyway, i think that all Singaporeans should visit the USS because its definitely worth the $68.

13Sep10 - an important date which i mark on my calendar.

Bond-signing day.

I get to meet my batch mates, and they're sweet and lovely people. I'm the youngest among the batch, and i hope to learn more from them because they're mostly very successful career-lady.
We have ex-cabin crews from Singapore top airlines and other top airlines. We have people who scarifices their current highly-paid job to pursue their dream.

As for me, i'm just a girl, who is going after my dream.
A dream which is shared among most of the female species. A topic which has the top discussions in Flowerpod, Singapore Expat, etc.

I'm glad that my family and friends are very supportive in my decision.
Some gave me their best wishes, some gave me their piece of advice, some brought me out for celebrations, some shared their excitement with me.

1/4 of the batch.
Please dont attack/give any negative comments because this really will piss me off.
Cabin crew are not Miss Singapore Universe, we do not need to have 32C- 24-35. We do not need to have a "wow" features and looks.

All we need is pleasant-looking, a genuine smile, a "service from the heart" attitude. Which i can feel from my girls.
If you girls/guys think that it is easy to get the job, go ahead give it a try, and we shall see.

Many asked me: "why not SQ?"
i replied " Why SQ? i dont like to work under politics environment." Not personal attack, but i think CX is as good as SQ, through the pay is slightly lesser. Anyway, my dream is to be a cabin crew, not to get into SQ.

Looking forward to our 6weeks training at HK, Cathay City