Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MIA for a week plus. Mun is so busy learning and picking up new things at workplace. Life is so healthy as i jogged, and exercise almost every weekend. I want the sexy hot pretty munny. HAHA!
One Sat, went to Old Airport Road to have dinner. Its my first time there and i really loves the food, although its totally sinful!! Chicken Wings, Fish and Chips, Waffle, etc..

When it comes to food, she is always the happiest among all and that explains her size too.
I will dragged her to jog and exercise, thus she will have a good figure in near future.

Sinful Sinful Sinful.
I treat my family using the 5 days pay i received from Tyco. HAHA
(only 1/10 of what i have received lah!)

My sister bought a new bike, foldable one!

Bought new machines again.
Its the new OTO neck massager. the one on the left is mine and on the right is my dad's one.

On a weekday, mum came and drove me from work.
Headed down to town, grab a top for our "en ren" (:
its a new design, and a tee alone costs $250.

Friday, met up with my queens, and its a last min arrangement.!
When i came back from my 2-hours lunch with my manager (went to anchorpoint and ikea), angie msn me and shir called me. So we steadily met up after work.!

I love this picture to the max. my hair/ hump looks so nice here.!

Angie came over to anchorpoint to meet me. And we bused down to bugis.
20minutes of bus journey, gossip from the moment we board the bus.
Gossip about who??
Its Nobody nobody, but YOU!!

if you think that u have something for us to gossip about, then YOU ARE THE ONE! lol lor.

i love meeting up with my girls, although our busy schedule. remember our next outing yah. lovelove <3
Thanks shir for the toothbrush holders for my sisters.
guess which one is mine.
guess guess guess!
i love my new job. so challenging and can really learn alot. But i miss my tyco girls too! will be meeting them for dinner and to get my old navy tops- 12 items man. i really wonder how am i gg to bring them home from IMM!

Friday, July 17, 2009

A super shiok day for me! Left home at 8am, reached office by 820, and im still 10 mins ealier.
Today was the most fruitful day as i enter a few claim, and learnt many other things. Although, most of these process are during taught in my poly life, but it feels so different when u have to hands-on, and handle with difficult customers, busy planners, overseas customers, etc. Anyway, i love my job scope lah, can learn many things (:

Lunch was at 1245, and mum came fetch me home from lunch. It only takes us 5mins to reach! Lunch with brother for 20mins, still have time to wash plates. Then went for a short nap for 30mins. Mum drove me back and reached office at 2pm. Off-work at 330, reached home before 4pm.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Alright, this is going to be a random post with some random pictures. My life is like so busy and i dont even have the time to blog properly. Working in my new company, and its the honeymoon period, muhahaha. I shall not update about my work in my blog, cause i feel that there are too many stalkers in my blog, and i dont wish anyone of them knows too much of my life. Will only update those close friends through calls and msn, including you lah, jessie (:

These are the chocolates which i bought for my tyco friends on my last day of work.
Although im super free in office, but sad to say, only the closer ones maanged to get a note from me. Its not east when it comes to writing something sweet can! HAHA

The box of chocolate to be shared among their other friends.
Nothing expensive, but i do like this brand, cause i like to suck the whole piece of chocolate into my mouth, waiting for it to melt.

A riddle given by my handsome old man, a prank call made by me. I was so mean but it helps to kill time lah! LOL

Photo requested by Siti.
To be able to look pretty on my birthday, i did a gold mask a night before meeting my girls. I know that we will be taking many pictures, so a mask is definitely something i cant miss!

FYI: Q10 Clear Mask is formulated with Coenzyme Q10, Nano Gold Powder and ϒ-PGA Moisturiser. Made with 99.99%-pure nano gold of the highest quality, Q10 Clear Mask effectively boosts skin elasticity while ensuring the moisture locking function to relieve dry and fatigued skin.

Its not cheap, however, i received it for free as its my birthday week (:
(jus ignore the photo if u thinks that its unglam)

Awfully chocolate- my birthday cake with my family. im going to try the banana flavor one next time, maybe on my dad's birthday?

This shows how much terence loves me bah. he actually set the picture which we have taken on my 18th birthday, as his wallpaper. I knew u sercetly admire me for long right (:

I seriously think that i need to slim down, so i have been watching my diet, and have been exercising more recently. I walked home from my workplace, and it only takes me 20-25 minutes. Can shake off my fats and at the same time save on my transportation.
Weekend is more happening as it will be our exercise day on every sunday. I've been learning how to roller blade, and it was pretty good for a first-time beginner. Im going to give myself 3-4 months time to master this, and the pretty jiejie jogging at ECP are my source of motivation. (:

After roller-blading on 12th, i headed home at evening and get prepared for dinning with Glenn. He was 15mins early, and i was 15mins late. So, he waited for more than half an hour for me.

Headed off to Great World for dinner. After rounds of choosing, we settled down at one western resturant. Eh, i prefer their salad more than their main course.

Oh, how sinful.! im really going to stp all these grill/deep-fried food.

ben and jerry after dinner (:

The watch he got for me as my birthday gift. its a looney tunes watch from city chain.

Thanks for the gift, i will wear it more often on my dress-down day yah.

The puma cap which i got for him, pretty right? Initally i also wanted to get the female puma cap too, with many blings on it, and its cheap too. I promise myself to get it after i have mastered roller-blading. (:

This is is prawn which my mandy soong got it from her school's "wet market". It is another childish and boring event held by the school. Christian school is always full of such activities =.=

Its look more like a lan jiao to me, HEHEHE.

My little miss "whatever". i dont know what character is she, so i jus named it "whatever". So, shes miss little whatever. i love her cause shes very cute, and her skin color matches with my lanyard.

Planning planning planning, so many up-coming plans. Oh ya, and i have set up another personal blog, which i will write most of my personal thoughts over there. So, it will jus be words words and words. Only i know the link and password to enter. So, unless u are a hacker, you will not be able to read the content in it. (:

=stay tune for my next post- birthday lunch with Soong's Family=

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Its my birthday cake, from awfully chocolate.
Yes, your eyes are not playing a fool on you. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETTY KAHMUN" is written on the cake!


Ah Yat for lunch before going to ECP.

Nice family photo (:

Beijing Ducks.
2 thumbs up!!

Good food.
i love good food.

Somehow, i miss HK when i sees this Po Luo Bao.
I want to go HK soon!!



Short post, cause im tired.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yeah, its friday and a day which i was looking forward to! Its 6DA gathering + Birthday Celebration for QF and me (:

Was gald that almost all the members are here, except for Chris who needs to do OT at the very last minute. At least she gave me a valid reason which i can accept as shes a nurse. Anyway, gathering includes 6DA + my love terence and 1 VIP!!

Who is the VIP?? Just keeps reading and you'll find out (:

Dressed up pretty, with all make-up on and nice hair-do.
cam-whore alittle before going out of house, and ended up being 45 minutes late!

I made adeline waited 30 mins for me and made my VIP waited 1hr 10mins for me! HAHA
i didnt did it on purpose lah, blame the traffic jam!

Met up with adeline and VIP. Shopped alittle and headed to NYNY.
4-multi shots of us before the rest joined us.


8 years friendship, and still counting.
I really miss those secondary school days. Playing netball during recess and after school. Gossiping during DNT lesson, walking to school, etc....

ARGHHH, i miss you so much now lah!

Peirong and Terence joined us shortly.
PR forever never change de leh. I know her for 7 years, totally never change before de.
the same hairstyle, the same hair length, the same height. but its good to know that shes having a very nice bf now!

And for terence, im really looking forward for you to enter NS. you better inform us and we will help you to throw a celebration before going in.


Heres my VIP, the guy beside adeline.!
Hes Liang Cheng, first time appearing in my blog hor, cause i have not seen him for the past 3 years.!

QF, i also havent been seeing you for a long period of time. u dont think that u go catch pests, then no need come and meet me liao hor! you better join us more often hor!!

VIP, Birthday Girl (who shares the same birthday as my dear, kim bum), terence.

love love love.

im as fair as the candy floss. the candy floss is a huge one, apple flavor.

Thanks for the surprise and gift.
Really appreciate all these. <3

happy mun with her gift (:

Birthday cake, fianlly 20!!

Fair VS Tan

6DA - christina

Thanks for coming (:

Gosh, all of you will be missed. Please have more gathering can. I am the next organizer for outing right?
Cycling, steady bo? will update you guys more on aug, better be free hor!!!
Can ask the rest to join in too, including the few botaks (eguene, jiehao, jason,etc)!