Sunday, August 31, 2008

My 宥嘉 is super cute.
watched 百万大歌星,saw him singing and dancing.

at night, nothing to do.
you-tube him again!

super cute lah.
and can see his 'bird-bird'

i wish i can own him!

Sunday, August 31, 2008



























Saturday, August 30, 2008

Its freaking 6am when i reach Outram MRT station.
Super early lah, and its rare to see this station so quiet and peaceful.

On our way to work!
super long time never work liao.

Before our work, nice hairdo and pretty make-up.

Reached Eunos MRT.
Had breakfast with Angie and her dearie kel.

The beancurd there is nice and cheap.

reached the stupid place.
and we had to walk a super long way into the army.

was given a stamp each on our hand.

then we were given a tee to change into.
smelly and ugly!

Shir: The shirt makes us look like a MAID.
dont believe?
scroll down!


Hi, im leow lee khain.
Im from Philippines.
I know how to cook & iron clothes, Mdm

(this one funny, super maid-look-alike)

Hi, im 雪梨.
im from china.
i know how to look after children and wash plates,少爷
i dont look like a maid.
look more like a dish-washer.

tied up my shirt because its super big for me.
sexy sexy mun mun. (girls, remember our motive here? LOL)
(but the hot sun doesnt makes me sexy anymore, makes me feel so frustrated!)

under the hot weather, we are still able to smile so pretty.

its super fun to work with angela.
the way she speaks and handle the kids is super funny lah.

Auntie: wow, self-service here de ar (because we're too lazy to pick up the ping-pong balls for the kids and asked them to pick up themselves)
Angela: yalor, over here we didnt charge service charge de.

angela helped me to take these pictures, with all the kids/parents busy playing games.

after work, super tired lah!
my legs feel so SOUR.
its like, i just stepped on 100kg of lemons/lime.

nice hot-air balloon though.
but we didnt have the chance to go up.

went to see aircrafts.
but going there to see hot hunks is our main motive.

so many cute guys, but we are too tired to analysis the guys!

made a new friend while Q-ing up for the shutter bus.
shes Angel, a very cute girl and she speaks good english.

super tired lah.
the money earn is just enough for one-time facial.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Went for FYP meeting (super early,10am)
Meeting lasted for 1.5hrs. feeling so sleepy, cold and tired throughout the whole meeting.
crack jokes throughout the meeting so that it would be so dread.

I seems kinda lost and i think my motivation will only returns when school reopens.
Going to enjoy the last 5 days of holiday.
this is going to be our last holiday as we are graduating soon.

Charles bought us Pocky.

Working at RFAS tml (with angela and shirley).
its been long since i work, so good luck to me tml.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An outing out at $10 KTV.
Singing Kakis for the days: My bastard gang, my mother and my sisters.

May looks so mature today.
Angie looks playful, as usual.

I know she wants to sing "Beautiful Love", but dont have to key in 3 times right!

My lovely mother and my naughty sister.
My mother sang like 6 songs?! And she claims that she dont know how to sing.

AhNi sang alot of songs and she is able to mix well with my bastard gang.
She even date them out for ice-skating session hoe, dont play play with her.

She very automatic de, key in her number in their handphone and FORCE them to contract her.

My bastard Queens.

Me and mother.
looks alike th

Shir and my sisters.

After singing, May went to "tui" her leg.
Mummy drove me shir and angie to Vivo, for dinner and to chill.

We chatted for like 2-3 hours, about many topics.
(seems like we need 2363483423 hours to complete our gossiping sessions)

We will be graduating in another 5-6 months time, and we are like a lost bird.
what should we do after we graduate?


Mooncakes AGAIN!

it only left with half box when i reached home.

u're 90%fully forgotten.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Went for pinic with Su and gang.
but ended up in the rain :(

(will upload more pictures when i got them from the rest)

Grades are OUT!
Logistics: A
Procurement: B+
Warehousing: A
Cold Chain Management: A
FYP(for the first semester): B+

Class is OUT!
same class with may, berlinda and jaz next semester

Sunday, August 24, 2008

have to stay at home for the whole day, but luckily i have my games to accompany me.

whatever this disgusting thing is, i have no interest.
but i find it funny, and wonder how people takes this.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Have been raining for the whole day, and feeling super sleepy throughout.

Yiling's chocolate warms my body.
Perfect for the cold weather.


somehow, i feel lonely and cold.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mid-Autumn is not here yet, but we've already ate like 5 mooncakes?!
Daddy brought home some mooncakes today again. (if im going to gain weight because of these mooncakes, i'll look for my daddy, LOL)

Expensive Mooncakes Daddy brought home today.
This box of mooncake is from CLUB CHINOIS, and its with compliments from citibank.

Next, in this super BIG plastic bag, it only contains 1 longggggg box of mooncake.

The mooncake are presented in this long box.
super cute lah. and we can keep the box and used it to put our earrings and other accessories.

the main cause for me gaining weight!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Went to have the BLACK-WHITE SET MEAL again!
cant resist the temptation!

i Q-ed up for 20 minutes for this 2 bowls of fish-soup.
look at the long long Q at the background.

they starts their operation at 1112.
I was there by 1120, but they only starts selling at 1140.

Its while stock last, and its normally end their operation at 1pm.
so scary, but its worth Q-ing up for!

although im on diet, but i will forget the word "DIET" when you place delicious food in front of me.

the super vain sister of mine, finally have her first pair of "RiverIsland" shoes.
I told her to buy at bugis, only $5 for almost same design.
but she dont want, cause she said the material used is different.

super big mosquito in my room.
and i killed it.

end post with my cam-whoring for the day.
pretty hair, and pretty skin today