Friday, June 27, 2008

Lesson is super boring, but not the topic.Cold Chain Management is one of my favorite lesson but the faccy sucks big time. After completing our presentation for the day, i was so busy watching movie- 21. A super nice movie and its worth watching. But i heard that Singapore will only screen it after a few months.

After school, went to look for a "long-lost" friend :)
Pass him his present and i really hopes that our friendship with this Mr.Nice Man, never changed.

So glad to see him smiling again :)
Bastard Queens with Nong. <3

Headed down to Bishan for dinner.
To celebrate Shir's Advance birthday too!

Random photos.

A present from me and sigui :)
A mango wallet, hopes she will like it.

Shir has presents for us too :)
Mine is White Chocolate, she knows im having menses :)
Biscuits for May, with toys somemore.

A diary for Angela, to remind her for the fyp dates.

After mumming, we went gaigai and saw this balloon-twister uncle.
He made balloons for us- Shir and Mun.


Tired from gaigai, we sat down at Mac to have ice-cream .

Mun with her chio balloon :)

Shir with mun's pretty balloon.

Mun and May.

The story behind this picture, is to tell Roy that the 3 of us are having ice-cream while she didnt have any.
Because she wants to be a good gf and listen to her bf for not having ice-cream as shes having sore throat. :)

After all chatting and gossiping, went over to Vivo City.
Bought a FCUK top :)

Tired and moodless.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

FYP outing :)
Finally, we have our very own outing.

We met at IKEA at 1030am, and its raining pigs and chickens lah.
The first thing to do when we reach IKEA, is to have IKEA HOTDOGS.

Im not a big fan for IKEA hotdogs, unlike May!!
She can really goes crazy for IKEA hotdogs :)

After breakfast, we went into IKEA, to look for some stuffs for our FYP.
But too bad, they dont carry those items that we want anymore :(
So sad lah, wasted our time.
But nvm, we still have another task to be completed, which is to print our sample.

So, we crossed the roads and arrives at Queensway Shopping Centre.
But we are too early and the shops are not yet open.
So we headed to Mac, to have our brunch.

The first shot- so blur
dont care, must take another time.

2nd attempt- still failed! cut away my face.
But Charles is not here. LOL

After all eating and chatting about BGR, we GOSSIP!
About sexual intercourse, about her bf, about her friends, about mine, about his gf.

We are all hooked by my sunglasses.

Cam-whoring session.
It always help to kill time. :)

Finally, the shops are opened!
We went around the mall for more than 6 times, looking for the best price.

Finally, we settled at this shop at level 3, with friendly boss at a reasonable price.
After discussing for 15 minutes, we are asked to come back in 1 hour time.

So, we went back to Mac AGAIN!
This time round, Charles treated us ice-cream.
Xie Xie Ge Ge (inside joke).

While waiting for OUR ice-cream to come;

Nice shot.
Right angle.

Charles Smile.
Alright, the shirt is done.
It took us 3 hours, to wait for the shop to open, to ask around, and to get it done.

Meeting OVER!
On our way to Bugis.

Met Sigui, went over to Marina Square.
went gaigai. super tired but i enjoyed :)

Inside Meiji, a Japan shop.
Too tired, but just wanna act cute for once.

Nice drink :)
Its good for the hot weather, bought at Meiji.

Theres an orange inside.
super cute lah :)

After all the shopping, its definitely time to pamper our poor tummy.

We went to Azabu Sabo for dinner.
you might be wondering where is it, its at marina square level 1, where they sells large ice-cream like this!

Nice and peaceful environment.

Mine- a lunchbox for me !

Okay, im hungry.

His; healthy food :)

My AI; ice-cream :)

The jellies are nice.

He bought a top from Koton Tozai, where Sabby used to work.
If you've been there before, the stuffs there are not cheap.
Its cost them around $20 for a stupid handphone chain, freaking $60 for a hair-clip.

Front view:

The back view.
But too bad, i dont usually wear such tops.