Wednesday, April 30, 2008

FYP meeting early in the morning.
I havent really get used of waking up early on a Wednesday.
Meeting starts from 930 and ends at 3pm.
Manage to get 3CE points even i didnt attend the training of the warehouse ;)
May, Mun & Berlinda;
so sweet

Meet the 3 SEXY-sss
Under my umbrella, rella, rella, a, a
PS:I look so skinny here.
After FYP meeting, went out to chilli and relax.
Because we are completing our project soon. 1 more task to go!!!
Kranji Countryside.
I love this place, its so peaceful.
Poison Ivy, one of my favourite hangout place.
The Banana cake is SUPER NICE!!!
oh shit, im craving for it now!
its super nice, trust me.
A nice cup of Aloe Vera is great for the humid weather.
After relaxing at Poison Ivy, Guess Where am I?
Im at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Nature Park.

I'm over-dressed for this outing.
Actually im very scared when taking this pic, because....

Because there a monitor lizard right beside me.

I love this picture.

Pretty flowers, just like me ;)

Fish feeding session;

Bigger monitor lizard. *scary*

Big spider. as big as my palm.
Soong Kah Mun is LOVE.

So tired, so sweaty.
Went Oishi for dinner.
They have cute plates.
1- Salad.
2- Scallop
3- Wasabi Pizza
4- Teriyaki sauce chicken wings.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Super unlucky day for Mun!
Menses arrive, a week earlier, without notice somemore!
Wore white pant. DIE
Wore G-string. DIE EVEN MORE.
Strain my pant, FUCK!
No pad, no tampon, no panties.
No choice, but i have my own way, through super uncomfortable.
After school, first UT for this semester.
Well-prepared beforehand, have all the notes in my laptop.
Luckily, my faccy allows me to copy the notes in my laptop.
Chocolate for my super super sweet Nong ;)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Nice watch, i like.
u want to give it to me?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday is so bored.
Stay at home for the whole day, studying for UT and doing research on FYP.
My lunch;

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday is ice-cream day with darling shir.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Candy girl, Shirley Tan ;)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shir's sweetest boyfriend bought us HelloKitty sushi <3
The sweet sweet couple.

Ah leow with the cute cute sushi;

Both cute;

I look so sexy here.

3 HOT & 1 "SEXY"!!!!

He came back to get his diploma ;)
Finally graduate liao ;)

Shir said: "Behind every successful man, there will always be a pretty girl"


Super busy after school.
Had FYP meeting, and its killing me because i have to read tons of resources.
After FYP, accompany Nong to AMK.
After AMK, had to rush to TPY to pass presents.

The birthday girl;

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Went back to my secondary tuition centre.
Ah leow, the funniest teacher i've even seen.
Bean curt tart is love.
its as sweet as my candy girl ;)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Funny pic of the day;
Photographer: Ah Leow
A nice one ;)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Facial @ Kembangan ;)

Squeeze pimple, white & black heads;
4 types of cooling cream.
3 masks;
Friendly auntie.

Right; Mine
Left; Shir.
Mine is like so much bigger than hers.

After facial, so comfortable and fresh;

Went to Coffee club, for a nice cup of drink;

High-class high-tea ;)

Blueberry cheesecake.

Random dog.