Sunday, March 30, 2008

Went gaigai with mummy is love.
We went to Chinatown to buy shampoo and hair dyes.
And im fucking proud of my new hairband.

The hairband is arnd $2, and the sticker is $1.

Then after DIY, it turns out to be a super nice hairband!
Bling bling ;)
And it definitely looks like something that costs $10+
My sister's one;

Swensen for high-tea;
Apple crumble;

Will be super busy for the next week, but its going to be last week of my work too, because my school is starting soon! :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

May called me and told me that we're in the same class next semester. *clap hands*
So, i will be seeing her like 5 days a week (including FYP meeting). ;)
Suhaili- the girl in orange, my previous classmate.
She told me that she will give me a hug if she happens to be in the same class with me next semester. lol
XueQi- my 3 semester classmate.
Mun have to work on weekend somemore, poor mun :(
But my 6 das came down to Paya Lebar to shop with me at City Plaza, hoping to be get some nice stuffs.
Adeline & Peirong are LATE!!
So, we cam-whore alittle first :D
My face is redder than Sabrina, when she has put on blusher while i didnt.
Late still dare to laugh.
Smack your butt then u know. lol
Take 1- blur
Take 2- blur too.
aiya, dont take liao!
Didnt manage to get a single thing, so we decided to head down to Bugis.
Next time when i date you to City Plaza, please tell me you have food posioning.
haha *inside joke*

I cant see Peirong when no flash.

I can see Peirong clearly now. LOL

Crystal Jade, because our dear Sabrina is craving for Xiaolongbao.
It've been long since i see them serious. haha
Xiaolongbao + Roti Prata + 2 Noodles = $35
Super reasonable!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Vegetarian food is really not my cup of tea.
But i still had it because someone feels like having it *roll eyes*
Chicken, but its actually toufu.
It taste weird
This is mushroom.
Tasteless Tom Yum soup
Its flour. ;(

Spent $40 on a meal that i dont enjoy ;(

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Having this for breakfast everyday will leads to a FAT KAHMUN!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thanks for the surprises.
Qi-Zai inside your shirt sibo. <3

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Didnt manage to meet up with my bastard queens, because i have to shop for my sister's birthday presents.
So, I bought a pair of Crocs for her as her birthday present, which costs me $62.

Shirley came over to stay, and we chatted for 4 freaking hours.
Updates about each other life, and listening to each other stories ;)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Its GOOD FRIDAY and i dont have to work!
So happy, and its really not easy to work 5 days a week (office hours somemore)
But when my pay is here, its definitely not a small amount ;)

Slept till noon, and did some housechores till 2pm.
Then i went to take a nap till 7pm. LOL
Woke up and went to pong.
Brought my Qi-Zai along, cause i think he needs to bath too!
My super-clean Qi-Zai!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A super nice uncle, working in my dad's company brought us out for dinner.
And he pays for EVERYTHING.
I think he spends $200 on 6 of us in less than 3 hours.

First, we went for dinner. Had black pepper crabs and lots of dishes.
Then, he drove us to the Yishun Country Club for KTV-ing.

I seriously have generation gap with them as i really dunno most of the songs sang by them *faint*

I killed another big monster today in my bedroom!
Super big and disgusting!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some outdated photos from the Dinner&Dance.
Look at the number of gift bags.
We took like 10 bags home. LOL
Our table- VIP 2.
Look at the number of people.
The company booked a total of 82 tables.
Total expenses for the entire Dinner&Dance; $23,590/=
Cai Shen Dao!!

Played games before the dishes are served.
The higher, the better;
(look at the mess! omg, this plate of dish cost $69)
The account department staffs and also my current colleagues.
They invited 'Ming Zhu Jie Mei'.
They are the singer for 881 songs.
And "Wang Lei";
This part is damn funny lah.
The 3 guys on stage (exclude the one in red) have to imitate 'Wang Lei'.
I laughed for 20 minutes non-stop.

The sexy woman on stage performed in the movie 881 too.
Shes damn skinny lah, and she is able to get the crowd 'high' too!

All the important person working in Chang Cheng,;
There are 7 bosses in Chang Cheng.
The woman behind their success are;
Top row; (left 3rd & 4th. right 2nd)
Bottom row; (left; 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th)

Over 300 pictures from the D&D, but i picked only like 10 of it ;)