Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Super relax today CAUSE it’s Edwin’s lesson.
Didn’t even have to do presentation slide and the grading will be based on the quiz’s result and the quality of the RJ. Super Shiok.

So we went for the “Impress At First Sight” talk, which lasted for an hour. The pretty lady actually taught us how to dress, talk and behave to gain a good first impression. And the true fact is that to have a good first impression, 55% is based on your look, 38% is based on the way you walk/the way you portray yourself, and lastly, the 7% is the on the way you talk.

The talk is pretty interesting that I didn’t fall asleep throughout, can? And it’s really rare to see me not falling asleep when attending a talk. Hahas

And we also learnt “cool” and “warm” color, teaches us that black is a neutral color and it will only makes us look dull, although many claim that black will makes them look skinner, it’s crappy, can?

Random: sher & mun are wearing “COOL” color.

Went to meet KUKU after school.
He brought me to Outram Park to drink “Dinosaur

And Cheese Mushroom Prata

After eating, Mun feels like peeing. So we went to the nearest building, which is quiet and weird, hoping that we’re able to use a clean toilet.
The only toilet inside the building is on 3rd storey, and it’s so creepy, can.

The worst part is that a code is needed to open the door. Then one man came and opened up the male toilet, so I asked him for the code. He told me “19”, but its for the male toilet de!! So I just try my luck, and press “18”, heehee, and I manage to open up the door *proud of myself, hahas

Going out shopping with my bastard queens tml! <3

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Went dinner with mum and dad.
Had New York New York cause daddy feels like having western for dinner.

Dad and Mum

Mun & NI

My Mum’s Girl

Really hate guy that beat their girlfriend.
My best friend called me last night, telling me that she’s in the hospital as she’s beaten up by her boyfriend.
I was damn mad lah. I saw that bastard for a few times and didn’t imagine that he have such a hot-tempered that he will start using violence on a girl he claimed he loved so much.
ARGG, I think I’ll visit her one of these days to check whether she’s feeling better,
Take Care, Girl

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nothing much for today.
Raining very heavily since last night, so no shopping mood.
Wake up around 11 plus, I’ve been long since I’ve such a nice sleep because normally I’ll have to wake up early to work.
A very long time since I’ve lunch with my mum on the weekend.

Went for Sakae Sushi with mummy and my two sisters.
My brother went into army, so I’ve to play a role as a sister and brother.

The amount of food 2 children & 2 adults had

Friday, July 27, 2007

Today is LOVE day 27/07/2007
Sherli asked us to Pink/Red together.

Saw that graph-like diagram at the background of the photo?
We’re having lessonn on stupid taxes. Damn tough lah *faint

Sherli, Mun, Angie & May (MASK)

Mun & Sher


While waiting for Kawai to return from his lunch with his Year 1’s friend, we started playing around.

Haha, Sherli is too sweet to be a murderer.

Angela look very fierce from any angle.

Want life or $$$?

Heeheeheehee *evil smile*

Finally Kawai is back

Actually we asked Kawai to give Coleen a hug/kiss, but they act shy le.

Cut faster, can?
Hungry le


Marshmallow that ZhenNong gave me.
It’s purple, my fav color

After sending my <3 to work, went to visit LiuBing!!!
Spent 2 hours chatting with him and trying the shirts in his shop
It’s so nice to meet him after such a long period of time. *miss him so much*
Actually we’re supposed to meet up for Kbox on my birthday, but his shop is under renovation during that time, so he’s no able to attend.

Mun :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

So pissed today, can.
We’re supposed to take our inventory management UT at 415pm, which will normally we’ll be given only 30 minutes to complete the questions given.
And for this UT 3, most of the questions need Excel spreadsheet to answer, and therefore, the module chair that set the questions, attached spreadsheet for both the questions so that we can submit our answer through the spreadsheet.

The most terrible thing is that, out of 300 students who are taking the same test, zero can open up the spreadsheet, and therefore, the facilitator that is investigating us has to distribute the printed spreadsheet. And by the time we’ve gotten the paper, we’re only left with 25 minutes to do the test. You should know that RP is well-known for their paperless, and therefore, not many students will bother to bring a pen to school and so we’ve to share one pen among us.
Its fcuking troublesome, can. After 20 minutes passes, the module chair stepped into the class and tells us that we’re given an additional of 10 minutes to do our test. Of course, we feel relieved hearing this because we are given more time to work on the questions. BUT, you know what the best part is? Once the time is up, the UT client will atomically helps us to upload the questions and therefore, and show us few sentences telling us that we’ve successfully uploaded the UT. From there, we have to log into LEO, having to type our password for 3TIMES.
And the facilitator investigating the class is soo annoying lah. When we’re already very pissed, he’s like nagging and asked us to calm down. Then he gave an incident that previously, there’s also one case that when the students are doing the UT, there’s no air-con. *faint. Come on, without the air-con, it won’t affect us much.

After school, went to meet kuku to get his limited edition Levi’s Copper Jeans Dog Tag.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Went to meet my KUKU before meeting my bastard queens
And he brought me to macrichite
for breakfast.

and the environment there is so peaceful, without all the noise and air pollute.

there’s many monkeys over there *and they’re fierce, can

Went to meet my bastard queens and Jeff.
We’re going for a tour at WLNA, which is the first cold supply chain management in Singapore.

and EDWIN NG is bringing us there.
He’s our inventory management’s facilitator, aka da xiong

The 5 hardworking fellows in E45R
Jiang Jun, Kahmun, Angela, May, Jeff

May bought this tee at one of the bazaar in the school.
And it looked like her lah.
Short hair, red face, big eyes. hahas

Jeff looked retarded in this picture, oops

When the two of them sit together, disaster begun

Its tough to see Jeff smile when taking photos

Maymay and mun*
We share every little secret

Arrived at the WLNA logistics operation centre

And the most important thing is: TAKE PICTURES

Went into the cold warehouse.

By looking at the glass panel, I’m sure you’re able to tell how cold the warehouse is.

Even when they’re inside such a cold environment, they’re still able to smile so happily.

This is the -20 degree Celsius warehouse. They used this warehouse to store ice-cream.

Can you imagine how cold is it when there’s even smoke coming out from our mouth when we’re speaking.

This is only -10 degree Celsius.
Used to store the fruits and frozen meats

Actually I intended to place Angela’s face next to the words, but its so mean lah. Hahas

Look at the thickness of the jacket that the staffs are wearing

This chiller which have a +2 degree Celsius is used to store some vegetables to retain it’s freshness

Random fact: May is wearing an old-school sock TODAY
Angela noticed it during the presentation.

Da xiong, Edwin bought us ice-cream after the tour. How sweet


My boy’s princess